Running into bad accuracy counting to 10

I’m working on a project to help me understand language model generation a little better so here was my idea:

Take a list of numbers that starts with a random number from “zero” to “nine” and then increments and loops around. Then after generating a set of data that looks like this, tokenize the data and train it with a SequentialRNN. My thought behind doing this, is that a 10 word corpus is a lot easier to get your mind around than any of the stuff we would actually work with and using word numbers helps know what the next word in the sequence should be. Now to the issue… my SeqentialRNN is not predicting that well at all. Here is what I’m doing:

First I get 1000 strings that look like these rows. I printed just 10 of the rows to keep it short, but you get the idea.

array(['one two three four five six seven eight nine zero',
       'one two three four five six seven eight nine zero',
       'eight nine zero one two three four five six seven',
       'nine zero one two three four five six seven eight',
       'seven eight nine zero one two three four five six',
       'four five six seven eight nine zero one two three',
       'seven eight nine zero one two three four five six',
       'nine zero one two three four five six seven eight',
       'zero one two three four five six seven eight nine',
       'seven eight nine zero one two three four five six'],

After this, I tokenize these and add in _unk_ and _pad_ to the itos dictionary. This gives:

[[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
 [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
 [9, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
 [10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
 [8, 9, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
 [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4],
 [8, 9, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
 [10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
 [11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
 [8, 9, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]

I wanded my model to be big enough to predict everything well so I figured these values would work well:

em_sz,nh,nl = 8,500,3
opt_fn = partial(optim.Adam, betas=(0.8, 0.99))

Next, I combine all my lines of tokenized data into one long string to feed into the model.

combined_tokenized_data = np.concatenate(tokenized_data)

Add my data loader

dataloader = LanguageModelLoader(combined_tokenized_data, bs, bptt)

then create my md

modeldata = LanguageModelData(PATH,1,len(stoi), dataloader, dataloader)

Finally create my SequentialRNN

drops=np.array([0.25, 0.1, 0.2, 0.02, 0.15])*0.7
learner = modeldata.get_model(opt_fn, em_sz, nh, nl,dropouti=drops[0], dropout=drops[1], wdrop=drops[2], dropoute=drops[3], dropouth=drops[4])
learner.metrics = [accuracy]

And it’s giving me terrible results.

It keeps wanting to just select one word and stick with it. Which get’s it about 10% accuracy. My thought is that it should be able to predict this fairly easily especially with 1000 examples to figure it out from. A few thoughts I’ve had are to add a begin and end token to help the model know that the end of one and the beginning of the next one don’t have any relation to each other. But I think my model should be able to at least to a pretty dang good job if I give it a “six” to know the next word is going to most likely be a “seven”. I would definitely appreciate the help if anybody has experienced this type of low risk tolerence from a model that it decides to just go for a safe 10% instead of actually getting any better.

Here is the full code, some of the comments are garbage so ignore those. Also my gist-it isn’t working properly, so that’s why I’m posting it instead of gisting it:

import fastai
from fastai import learner
from fastai import dataset
from fastai import model
from fastai.model import resnet34
from pathlib import Path
from fastai.text import *

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import spacy
import json
import re
import html

Creating Data

Usually I see people use completely random data when they don’t have a dataset to show a concept. Instead, I’m going to use a counting dataset that starts at a random number and then counts up 10, wrapping around from “nine” to “zero”.

numbers = ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"]
myData = pd.DataFrame()
def DataGenerator():
    numlist = ""
    starting_num = random.randint(0,9)
    for i in range(10):
        if i==0:
            numlist = str(numbers[(starting_num+i)%10])
            numlist = numlist + " " + str(numbers[(starting_num+i)%10])
    return numlist
'four five six seven eight nine zero one two three'
for i in range(1000):
    myData = myData.append(pd.Series(DataGenerator()), ignore_index=True)
tok = Tokenizer()
texts = myData[0].astype(str)
array(['one two three four five six seven eight nine zero',
       'one two three four five six seven eight nine zero',
       'eight nine zero one two three four five six seven',
       'nine zero one two three four five six seven eight',
       'seven eight nine zero one two three four five six',
       'four five six seven eight nine zero one two three',
       'seven eight nine zero one two three four five six',
       'nine zero one two three four five six seven eight',
       'zero one two three four five six seven eight nine',
       'seven eight nine zero one two three four five six'],
'one two three four five six seven eight nine zero'
data = tok.proc_all_mp(partition_by_cores(texts.values.astype(str)))

Now that we have the data, let’s build a frequency map. This will tell us how many times each word was seen. Since we have 5 numbers (0-9) and are doing 100 sequences, all of these will be close to 500. Usually this will not be the case and this part will help filter out any words that are only seen a low number of time.

freq = Counter(p for o in data for p in o)

itos will be used to translate the number back into a string

itos = [o for o,c in freq.most_common(10) if c > 2]
itos.insert(0, '_pad_')
itos.insert(0, '_unk_')
[('one', 1000),
 ('two', 1000),
 ('three', 1000),
 ('four', 1000),
 ('five', 1000),
 ('six', 1000),
 ('seven', 1000),
 ('eight', 1000),
 ('nine', 1000),
 ('zero', 1000)]

The stoi variable will create the translator from the strings to the int versions.

stoi = collections.defaultdict(lambda:0, {v:k for k,v in enumerate(itos)})

The lambda:0 is telling this that if you don’t know what the word is, give it a value of “0” which we know is tied to ‘unk’ so translating it back, would replace that word with ‘unk

unknownNumber = stoi["ten"];print("unknownNumber idx: " + str(unknownNumber))
knownNumber = stoi["nine"];print("knownNumber idx: " + str(knownNumber))
unknownNumber idx: 0
knownNumber idx: 10
defaultdict(<function __main__.<lambda>>,
            {'_pad_': 1,
             '_unk_': 0,
             'eight': 9,
             'five': 6,
             'four': 5,
             'nine': 10,
             'one': 2,
             'seven': 8,
             'six': 7,
             'ten': 0,
             'three': 4,
             'two': 3,
             'zero': 11})

All I’m doing here is feeding each of my numbers through and turning the string into an int using stoi[wordtotokenize]

tokenized_data = [[stoi[o] for o in i] for i in data]
[[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
 [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11],
 [9, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
 [10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
 [8, 9, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
 [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4],
 [8, 9, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
 [10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
 [11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
 [8, 9, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]
PATH = Path("data/counterExample/")
em_sz,nh,nl = 8,500,3
opt_fn = partial(optim.Adam, betas=(0.8, 0.99))
combined_tokenized_data = np.concatenate(tokenized_data)
dataloader = LanguageModelLoader(combined_tokenized_data, bs, bptt)
#Number of tokens
#dataloader - Training
#dataloader - Validation (Should be different from Training)
modeldata = LanguageModelData(PATH,1,len(stoi), dataloader, dataloader)
drops=np.array([0.25, 0.1, 0.2, 0.02, 0.15])*0.7
learner = modeldata.get_model(opt_fn, em_sz, nh, nl,dropouti=drops[0], dropout=drops[1], wdrop=drops[2], dropoute=drops[3], dropouth=drops[4])
learner.metrics = [accuracy]
  (0): RNN_Encoder(
    (encoder): Embedding(13, 8, padding_idx=1)
    (encoder_with_dropout): EmbeddingDropout(
      (embed): Embedding(13, 8, padding_idx=1)
    (rnns): ModuleList(
      (0): WeightDrop(
        (module): LSTM(8, 500, dropout=0.105)
      (1): WeightDrop(
        (module): LSTM(500, 500, dropout=0.105)
      (2): WeightDrop(
        (module): LSTM(500, 8, dropout=0.105)
    (dropouti): LockedDropout(
    (dropouths): ModuleList(
      (0): LockedDropout(
      (1): LockedDropout(
      (2): LockedDropout(
  (1): LinearDecoder(
    (decoder): Linear(in_features=8, out_features=13)
    (dropout): LockedDropout(

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 97%|█████████▋| 59/61 [00:01<00:00, 58.82it/s, loss=10.9]


lr = 10e-1,10)

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epoch      trn_loss   val_loss   accuracy                  
    0      2.501293   2.401719   0.100253  
    1      2.450239   2.784427   0.099447                  
    2      2.462207   2.512367   0.100442                  
    3      2.454979   2.717493   0.100404                  
    4      2.436725   2.509735   0.101221                  
    5      2.441772   2.537813   0.09924                   
    6      2.421832   2.389191   0.100319                  
    7      2.455708   2.511775   0.101774                  
    8      2.476664   2.857218   0.100419                  
    9      2.465733   2.50652    0.099912                  

[2.5065198, 0.099911526761582645]
needPrediction = np.array([[5]])
probs = learner.model(V(needPrediction))
Variable containing:
[torch.cuda.FloatTensor of size 13 (GPU 0)]
for i in range(2,12):
    needPrediction = np.array([[i]])
    probs = learner.model(V(needPrediction))
    print(itos[i] + "---->" + itos[to_np(probs[0][-1].exp()).argmax()])

At this point, still not perfect, but getting there, let’s try adding another 100 iterations of fit,10)

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epoch      trn_loss   val_loss   accuracy                  
    0      2.507211   2.473511   0.099996  
    1      2.567874   2.484493   0.098951                  
    2      2.447682   2.400187   0.099441                  
    3      2.447006   2.650691   0.100153                  
    4      2.449038   2.62591    0.100343                  
    5      2.485107   2.414987   0.098826                  
    6      2.438728   2.444442   0.100094                  
    7      2.42563    2.494963   0.09899                   
    8      2.445234   2.356856   0.099618                  
    9      2.447071   2.997203   0.100324                  

[2.9972031, 0.10032353916617691]
for i in range(2,12):
    needPrediction = np.array([[i]])
    probs = learner.model(V(needPrediction))
    print(itos[i] + "---->" + itos[to_np(probs[0][-1].exp()).argmax()])

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epoch      trn_loss   val_loss   accuracy                  
    0      2.516302   2.440026   0.098669  
    1      2.439618   2.33569    0.10036                   
    2      2.465316   2.439928   0.099074                  
    3      2.486601   2.420878   0.10029                   
    4      2.452492   2.521931   0.100927                  
    5      2.491448   2.379579   0.099763                  
    6      2.420096   2.424615   0.102314                  
    7      2.45222    2.546835   0.099964                  
    8      2.514125   2.333285   0.101252                  
    9      2.445579   2.431223   0.100947                  

[2.4312229, 0.10094661253397583]
for i in range(2,12):
    needPrediction = np.array([[i]])
    probs = learner.model(V(needPrediction))
    print(itos[i] + "---->" + itos[to_np(probs[0][-1].exp()).argmax()])

So more training doesn’t seem to be helping, we still have multiple that are going to the wrong next word


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epoch      trn_loss   val_loss   accuracy                  
    0      2.532187   2.391899   0.100669  
    1      2.449502   2.592566   0.100048                  
    2      2.422548   2.481155   0.098664                  
    3      2.433634   2.374926   0.098504                  
    4      2.4846     2.433929   0.099653                  
    5      2.443925   2.489157   0.100965                  
    6      2.458176   2.478071   0.100885                  
    7      2.446534   2.415808   0.102158                  
    8      2.448918   2.361977   0.098269                  
    9      2.477083   2.536442   0.099198                  
    10     2.452269   2.374832   0.099516                  
    11     2.463058   2.559443   0.098423                  
    12     2.464275   2.445957   0.101949                  
    13     2.503255   2.701074   0.100223                  
    14     2.462109   2.351269   0.099997                  
    15     2.452649   2.449541   0.099165                  
    16     2.468501   2.332346   0.100533                  
    17     2.444887   2.346866   0.100175                  
    18     2.42937    2.394043   0.100376                  
    19     2.476886   2.41362    0.099247                  
    20     2.449308   2.459924   0.099959                  
    21     2.434841   2.576449   0.098805                  
    22     2.454262   2.583148   0.09825                   
    23     2.478229   2.414344   0.098201                  
    24     2.443477   2.332206   0.099706                  
    25     2.44875    2.507034   0.100083                  
    26     2.456731   3.052977   0.100177                  
    27     2.473659   2.569483   0.100308                  
    28     2.488046   2.37466    0.100972                  
    29     2.43887    2.727457   0.100739                  
    30     2.463462   2.530313   0.100128                  
    31     2.449768   2.480434   0.099945                  
    32     2.458727   2.518376   0.100101                  
    33     2.459107   2.493311   0.099963                  
    34     2.461484   2.409652   0.100445                  
    35     2.443723   2.419954   0.09979                   
    36     2.427422   2.460212   0.099989                  
    37     2.509038   2.615475   0.100165                  
    38     2.468286   2.453477   0.100413                  
    39     2.43953    2.438079   0.099731                  
    40     2.459077   2.461557   0.09994                   
    41     2.483411   2.4851     0.102056                  
    42     2.458116   2.600188   0.101106                  
    43     2.456078   2.450119   0.100664                  
    44     2.452124   2.348065   0.099687                  
    45     2.48183    2.583075   0.099432                  
    46     2.454912   2.363219   0.099733                  
    47     2.51616    2.376456   0.098833                  
    48     2.434357   2.698936   0.100779                  
    49     2.452154   2.353041   0.100286                  
    50     2.437518   2.416678   0.101911                  
    51     2.524313   2.55522    0.098992                  
    52     2.425512   3.116068   0.0989                    
    53     2.439224   2.339689   0.100026                  
    54     2.444603   2.582581   0.099018                  
    55     2.47307    2.664025   0.097857                  
    56     2.444368   2.633893   0.10105                   
    57     2.436004   2.380004   0.100453                  
    58     2.452654   2.574329   0.10044                   
    59     2.497562   2.333667   0.101639                  
    60     2.471379   2.450145   0.099848                  
    61     2.460531   2.35693    0.099431                  
    62     2.417477   2.712232   0.100774                  
    63     2.469832   2.370589   0.099859                  
    64     2.48184    2.737447   0.099237                  
    65     2.487076   2.45893    0.09972                   
    66     2.434812   2.357924   0.099824                  
    67     2.434282   2.461235   0.099532                  
    68     2.458523   2.419769   0.100679                  
    69     2.444596   2.474225   0.097741                  
    70     2.467982   2.712098   0.10113                   
    71     2.477893   2.455158   0.098918                  
    72     2.442475   2.399636   0.100612                  
    73     2.418096   2.622461   0.101848                  
    74     2.49339    2.422304   0.099105                  
    75     2.418169   2.568468   0.100021                  
    76     2.468581   2.547715   0.100119                  
    77     2.456119   2.536897   0.10083                   
    78     2.434664   2.65585    0.100217                  
    79     2.522499   2.657638   0.100374                  
    80     2.452929   2.461939   0.099831                  
    81     2.426431   2.458987   0.098729                  
    82     2.450306   2.359966   0.10028                   
    83     2.425657   2.353513   0.099618                  
    84     2.503894   2.822604   0.099164                  
    85     2.431455   2.324247   0.100215                  
    86     2.44774    2.777127   0.100655                  
    87     2.447497   2.568796   0.099632                  
    88     2.433973   2.342007   0.09897                   
    89     2.450539   2.323313   0.100807                  
    90     2.434953   2.340156   0.099623                  
    91     2.463191   2.557094   0.099799                  
    92     2.462035   2.458475   0.099565                  
    93     2.484958   2.443302   0.099806                  
    94     2.472418   2.513814   0.099521                  
    95     2.434136   2.383336   0.098641                  
    96     2.453682   2.482803   0.100369                  
    97     2.499124   2.485369   0.100844                  
    98     2.450978   2.352065   0.101033                  
    99     2.426416   2.594633   0.098279                  

[2.5946326, 0.09827934010107009]
for i in range(2,12):
    needPrediction = np.array([[i]])
    probs = learner.model(V(needPrediction))
    print(itos[i] + "---->" + itos[to_np(probs[0][-1].exp()).argmax()])
zero---->two, 1, wds=wd, use_clr=(20,10), cycle_len=15)

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If you're reading this message in another frontend (for example, a static rendering on GitHub or NBViewer), it may mean that your frontend doesn't currently support widgets.

epoch      trn_loss   val_loss   accuracy                  
    0      2.504131   2.497203   0.101079  
    1      2.410001   2.320999   0.100073                  
    2      2.35829    2.310918   0.099568                  
    3      2.344692   2.310223   0.100768                  
    4      2.344776   2.306048   0.101331                  
    5      2.341698   2.56541    0.0                       
    6      2.350182   2.30824    0.101532                  
    7      2.339936   2.304673   0.099802                  
    8      2.336478   2.306644   0.100232                  
    9      2.332428   2.30723    0.100003                  
    10     2.332684   2.303474   0.099913                  
    11     2.326382   2.307298   0.099052                  
    12     2.328791   2.303727   0.099682                  
    13     2.327139   2.303137   0.099768                  
    14     2.323202   2.302859   0.100209                  

[2.3028586, 0.10020882822573185]
for i in range(2,10):
    needPrediction = np.array([[i]])
    probs = learner.model(V(needPrediction))
    print(itos[i] + "---->" + itos[to_np(probs[0][-1].exp()).argmax()])

Try changing the loss function?

I think there’s a better answer in a paper I read, although I can’t find it.

I’ll try that out. Thanks for the idea.

First, I’d use a much smaller batch size because of how few examples you have, in order to get a set sensible learning rate with lr_find. Try like 2.

500 for the hidden size seems crazy high.

Since we have 12 tokens in our vocab, I did 12 for embedding size.
For hidden size I also started with 12, but then doubled it in a second test and that started converging faster and performed better. (tried doubling again and it did worse)

Worked great. Trained for like 20 epochs.

1 Like

So was my problem that I had too many weights to train? I didn’t change that from the original model I was taking it from. I thought that too many hidden layers would at the worst, over fit the results by a bunch. Thank you for looking into this. It is definitely exposing some gaps in my understanding!

I would love for someone who had a stronger understanding of what’s going on to contribute to this conversation, but yeah, from my understanding I think that’s a lot of weights to train- it’s gonna be difficult for it to converge.

1 Like

So I could probably make it work if I generated like 500k rows instead of 1k.

1 Like

Thanks @KevinB and @jsonm for sharing this.

I used 10k instead of 1000 examples. I even got rid of one nl layer and reduced neurons in nh.

Your intuitions are spot on!

I ran fewer epochs - please see results at:

1 Like

@sgugger : you asked for feedback on the new 1-cycle lr implementation. I believe the above use case should help us do lots of quick benchmarking exercises.
What do you think?

1 Like

I was a little hesitant to post this because it seemed like a part 1 - beginner question, so I hope this is able to help do some benchmarking. That would be awesome.

1 Like

I’ll try tomorrow if I can get super convergence there. It seems to work for NLP in the sense that I managed to train some pretty good models very quickly but I didn’t quite reach the SOTA now.

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Absolutely, Kevin! Just this afternoon I was showing a colleague the awesome SQL gen post you wrote.

That’s still in progress so hopefully they were able to fight through the typos and run-on sentences :slight_smile:. I’m using that that you posted to hopefully help with that progress and using this counting example to help me explain the actual model behind the magic.

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