Running Fastbook on Windows 10 Locally using the GPU without WSL/Anaconda

Hey guys I am on Windows 10. I have a lot of coding experience and for whatever reason I just cannot get myself to go through the course on the “cloud”. I tried like 3-4 times in the last 5 months and I can’t stand not running code on my own machine. I’ve spent many hours sifting through the threads asking the same question I am asking but I can’t seem to find a single coherent guide.

I have a Nvidia RTX 3050 set-up with cuda confirmed working (ran a matrix multiplication test using the CPU as well as the GPU).
I use PyCharm Pro IDE.

I am stuck on actually using the fastbook course with Jupyter notebooks. I have anaconda installed, was able to install PyTorch, Jupyter, etc… but anaconda doesn’t find fastai.

Is it possible to run the notebooks without using anaconda? (I am comfortable with venv/pip)
Is there a guide anywhere for that? If not, and it is possible, I will make one.

Short answer is that yes, it is possible to run just using venv.

I did a fresh install and decided to skip using anaconda and just use a venv.

From windows powershell (running as admin) I did the following:

# make and than cd to the dir you want to use
cd A:\.code\py\standalone\2024\fastbook
# setup the venv
python -m venv fastai-env
# activate venv
# install pytorch (custom pip command here:
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
# install fastai and jupyter notebook
pip install fastai
pip install notebook

I than started my IDE (Pycharm Pro) and selected the folder I created A:\.code\py\standalone\2024\fastbook as the base dir for my project.
I selected the venv I created as my project interpreter.

I than created a regular py file and ran the following test code:

import fastai
from import *
from pathlib import Path

# Adjusted label_func to handle both str and Path objects
def label_func(f): return Path(f).name[0].isupper()

def main():
    print(f"FastAI Version: {fastai.__version__}")
    print(f"PyTorch Version: {torch.__version__}")

    path = untar_data(URLs.PETS)
    print(f'Image Path: {path}')
    files = get_image_files(path / "images")

    # Sanity check: Ensure files are loaded
    if not files:
        print("No image files found. Check the dataset path and contents.")
    print(f"Number of files: {len(files)}")

    dls = ImageDataLoaders.from_name_func(
        path, files, label_func, item_tfms=Resize(224), bs=64, num_workers=0

    # Additional sanity checks
    print(f"Train DataLoader length: {len(dls.train)}")
    print(f"Valid DataLoader length: {len(dls.valid)}")

    # Display a batch to ensure DataLoader is working

    learn = vision_learner(dls, resnet34, metrics=error_rate)

    # For debugging, we'll bypass lr_find and use a hardcoded learning rate
    print("Starting training with a hardcoded learning rate...")
    learn.fine_tune(1, base_lr=1e-3)  # Example learning rate

    print("Training complete!")

if __name__ == '__main__':

I kept get NaN results but solved that by adding num_workers=0 to the ImageDataLoaders code.
Which finally worked! Giving the results below:

FastAI Version: 2.7.14
PyTorch Version: 2.2.2+cu121
Image Path: C:\Users\H1\.fastai\data\oxford-iiit-pet
Number of files: 7390
Train DataLoader length: 92
Valid DataLoader length: 24
Starting training with a hardcoded learning rate...
epoch     train_loss  valid_loss  error_rate  time    
0         0.227548    0.019236    0.008119    01:06     
epoch     train_loss  valid_loss  error_rate  time    
0         0.044756    0.014205    0.004060    01:14     
Training complete!

Once this was working, I opened up the first lesson Jupyter notebook and got it working!

Fingers crossed that I don’t run into any other major issues in the next lessons. Happy to make a better structured guide or youtube video if people are interested. Really happy to be able to work on this on my local machine!

I’ve been in the same boat with preferring to run code locally rather than in the cloud. When I was setting up the fastbook course on my machine, I ran into similar issues. First, make sure your environment is set up correctly in Anaconda. Sometimes, creating a new environment just for fastai can help.

Use conda create -n fastai python=3.8 and then conda activate fastai. After that, you can install fastai with conda install -c fastai -c pytorch fastai.

I remember a similar hassle when I did a clean install on my machine, and Operating Systems had some great tips on resetting Windows that saved me a lot of headaches.