If I try and use that pretrained model (e.g. arch = resnext101_64, like recommended in lesson2/dog breeds competition), I get an error: indeed it tries to find a file containing (apparently) a set of weights for the earliest layers of that model, that is:
The problem is that fastai repository does NOT contain any weights directory.
Yet, If I try and use another pre-trained model, like resnet34 it works flawlessly. How can I get that resnext101_64 working?
May I ask where could I download resnext_101_64x4d.pth? I found the lua weights (called resnext_101_64x4d.t) on github but couldn’t find the .pth file.
I’m running the notebook within a docker image. Is there a way to pass a path for the .pth file? The default path is only accessible by within the docker and i downloaded the .pth weights file outside of the docker but did not find the place to pass the path parameter.