ResNet50 gives me an accuracy rate of 89%


After Lesson 1, I’ve created my own dataset of Jaguars and Leopards. As you may know, these 2 cats are incredibly identical and difficult to tell apart even for humans. I felt that it was a good problem to approach. I created the dataset with pictures of Leopards/Jaguars and their cubs. I’ve excluded black jaguars/leopards from the dataset as the main distinguishing factor between the two cats are their spots as far as the pictures are concerned. There are 2330 pictures in total. About 900 of them are Jaguars and the remaining 1430 are leopards.

When I applied ResNet50 on this dataset, this is what I got

epoch	train_loss	valid_loss	error_rate	time
0	    1.243817	1.034391	0.221030	01:47
1	    0.903427	0.573112	0.145923	01:43
2	    0.624625	0.443679	0.111588	01:45
3	    0.475609	0.424810	0.109442	01:45

After going through the entire process as the Lesson, this was the final output:

epoch	train_loss	valid_loss	error_rate	time
0	    0.331031	0.417951	0.111588	01:43
1	    0.310243	0.417044	0.111588	01:44

I tried using ResNet101 but Colab threw a RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory error.

What are some of the ways I can improve this? Do you think an imbalanced dataset contributed to such a high error rate?

Here is the full dataset:

Two things you can do:

  1. run more epochs, e.g. 10 in each phase
  2. reduce the dataset size so that it is balanced or add additional images to the underrepresented class to make it balanced
    Imbalanced training can be problematic.

Wouldn’t running more epochs cause overfitting?

It depends. You need a test set for checking. Furthermore, the first step in training a model should always be “try to overfit it”. You can only start to tune a model and to take care that it does not overfit from some starting point, e.g. an overfitted model.

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