Remote NLP Focused Study Group


I’m also interested

Great idea on paid account. The only issue is that way you will be hooked to attend all the classes if we use your account.

Looks like Saturday Feb 17 @7-8PM San Francisco time is the clear winner for the 1st session. Make sure you share your email on the google docs so you don’t miss the email announcement etc.


That’s true, and I’ll have to not forget to actually upload the recording after the call.

I think Trask & OpenMined team tried a good software for their last hackathon, I’ll ask what that was.

Alternatively, we can use a slack channel to chat and ask questions, and hosts could do a hangout + stream it to YouTube.

That way to completely free, we’ll have recordings uploaded automatically.

I already created a slack channel for this.

Is there any limitation on how many people can do hangout on slack? Video recording? I did a quick search and looks like its only for paid account?

Slack channel created. Please feel free to join through this invite link.

Currently, joining the posted slack channel requires invitation.

Do you intend to send out invitations to the people listed in the Google Sheet, or you accidentally added that permission requirement?

my bad, here is the invite link

I’m interested. @vikbehal @rsrivastava Any interest?

Sounds great. I am interested in joining. Thanks for starting this initiative.

Thanks so much Saradeelee. Yes it is a very good idea.

Yes really good I like to attend it

Super Interested!!

Hi @nahidalam, the slack invite link is no longer active. Is the group still ongoing?

Hi Alex. The study group is still ongoing. We studied LSTM and Bi-directional LSTM during the third lesson last week.

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@alwc Just add your name to the sheets link above, you’ll get the slack invitation soon. Just got mine today.

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Thanks for the prompt reply @keratin and @cedric. I’ve added my info to the sheet above :slight_smile:

How’s Slack for this kind of study group? I thought Discourse is designed to be more efficient at organizing and retrieving info, and it’s in real time although it seems we’d need to open a sub-forum for this big topic. Would appreciate your thoughts and experience!

HI @alwc Sorry the invite link expired in 30 days. I have updated the link so it won’t expire ever. Also I have invited you to the slack so you should have it now.

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