Python Qeustion: How to remove files using pathlib

I have a quick question, how would you remove files using pathlib equivalent of:

$ rm *.csv

I am currently doing this:

    files = [file for file in project_path.iterdir() if'.csv')]
    for f in files:

But it is slow.

for f in project_path.glob('*.csv'):

If you want to look for csv files recursively, you can use glob(**/*.csv).

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this looks a litlle bit better, thanks

You can also try taking inspiration from fastai’s get_files, maybe it’s faster:

def _get_files(parent, p, f, extensions):
    p = Path(p)#.relative_to(parent)
    if isinstance(extensions,str): extensions = [extensions]
    low_extensions = [e.lower() for e in extensions] if extensions is not None else None
    res = [p/o for o in f if not o.startswith('.')
           and (extensions is None or f'.{o.split(".")[-1].lower()}' in low_extensions)]
    return res

def get_files(path:PathOrStr, extensions:Collection[str]=None, recurse:bool=False,
              include:Optional[Collection[str]]=None, presort:bool=False)->FilePathList:
    "Return list of files in `path` that have a suffix in `extensions`; optionally `recurse`."
    if recurse:
        res = []
        for i,(p,d,f) in enumerate(os.walk(path)):
            # skip hidden dirs
            if include is not None and i==0:  d[:] = [o for o in d if o in include]
            else:                             d[:] = [o for o in d if not o.startswith('.')]
            res += _get_files(path, p, f, extensions)
        if presort: res = sorted(res, key=lambda p: _path_to_same_str(p), reverse=False)
        return res
        f = [ for o in os.scandir(path) if o.is_file()]
        res = _get_files(path, path, f, extensions)
        if presort: res = sorted(res, key=lambda p: _path_to_same_str(p), reverse=False)
        return res

But that looks a lot like what you’re already doing so I’m not sure it is of any use to you.

this is pretty fast…

Guess that’s why they use it