PR link: Add predict with Monte Carlo dropout by mrdbourke · Pull Request #2132 · fastai/fastai · GitHub
We’ve been researching into different methods using to figure out how to find what predictions your model is ‘sure’ or ‘unsure’ of at Max Kelsen.
And we found a few use cases, particularly Uber’s use case for measuring uncertainty in neural networks. Where they talk about the use of Monte Carlo Dropout as a way to make many predictions on a sample and then use the variance of the predictions as a measure of certainty.
We’ve used these on a text classification problem and they’ve proven helpful.
The major changes are all within the Learner class in
Adding apply_dropout()
def apply_dropout(self, m):
"If a module contains dropout in it's name, it will be switched to .train() mode."
if 'dropout' in m.__class__.__name__.lower():
Adding predict_with_mc_dropout()
def predict_with_MC_dropout(self, item:ItemBase, return_x:bool=False, batch_first:bool=True, with_dropout:bool=True, n_times=10, **kwargs):
"Predict with dropout turned on for n_times (default 10)."
predictions = []
for _ in range(n_times):
predictions.append(self.predict(item, with_dropout=with_dropout))
return predictions
Altering pred_batch()
def pred_batch(self, ds_type:DatasetType=DatasetType.Valid, batch:Tuple=None, reconstruct:bool=False, with_dropout:bool=False) -> List[Tensor]:
"Return output of the model on one batch from `ds_type` dataset."
if batch is not None: xb,yb = batch
else: xb,yb =, detach=False, denorm=False)
cb_handler = CallbackHandler(self.callbacks)
xb,yb = cb_handler.on_batch_begin(xb,yb, train=False)
# with_dropout clause
if not with_dropout:
preds = loss_batch(self.model.eval(), xb, yb, cb_handler=cb_handler)
# Apply dropout at eval() time
preds = loss_batch(self.model.eval().apply(self.apply_dropout), xb, yb, cb_handler=cb_handler)
res = _loss_func2activ(self.loss_func)(preds[0])
if not reconstruct: return res
res = res.detach().cpu()
ds = self.dl(ds_type).dataset
norm = getattr(, 'norm', False)
if norm and norm.keywords.get('do_y',False):
res =, do_x=True)
return [ds.reconstruct(o) for o in res]
Altering predict()
def predict(self, item:ItemBase, return_x:bool=False, batch_first:bool=True, with_dropout:bool=False, **kwargs):
"Return predicted class, label and probabilities for `item`."
batch =
# Added with_dropout
res = self.pred_batch(batch=batch, with_dropout=with_dropout)
raw_pred,x = grab_idx(res,0,batch_first=batch_first),batch[0]
norm = getattr(,'norm',False)
if norm:
x =
if norm.keywords.get('do_y',False): raw_pred =
ds =
pred = ds.y.analyze_pred(raw_pred, **kwargs)
x = ds.x.reconstruct(grab_idx(x, 0))
y = ds.y.reconstruct(pred, x) if has_arg(ds.y.reconstruct, 'x') else ds.y.reconstruct(pred)
return (x, y, pred, raw_pred) if return_x else (y, pred, raw_pred)
Using predict_with_mc_dropout(n_times:int=10)
will return a list of 10 predictions all made with dropout turned on (essentially 10 predictions with slightly different models), of which you can take the variance and use it as a measure of how certain your model is about a certain prediction.
Low variance = low uncertainty
High variance = high uncertainty
Gives you more insight into what your model doesn’t know. This is particularly useful if you want to take things to production (e.g. automatically classify the samples with 0 variance and send the rest to a human classifier).
Instead of having a completely black box neural network making predictions at X% accuracy, you can make predictions at X% accuracy and have a complementary metric of how certain each prediction is.
- Increases prediction inference time by