Please check your email delivery

I’ve just modified our forum software to send email notifications directly, rather than via an external SMTP server. Please let me know if you find that your email notifications are no longer received, or if they’re going to spam. If they’re going to spam, let me know what email provider you use, and see if there’s a way you can view the spam rules applied to the email that got it spammed.

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Haven’t received any emails and nothing in spam either. I use ionos.

I checked the spam folder. Nothing there. I did not get any notification via email neither.

@Moody you don’t seem to have set up any email notifications AFAICT?

I haven’t received email notifications as well, I’ve checked my spam as well.

Just noticed the email server wasn’t working for the last 24 hours. Sending now.


Seems to be working now, I got a notification :white_check_mark: (Edit: Without any issues or it going to spam)
Thank you!

Thank you for letting me. But, I used to get all the latest notifications (ie fellowship applications, course enrollments, etc).

After checked my “preference” under “setting” (see Fig. 1), I found out my primary email (Gmail) was “unconfirmed”. That was very strange since I joined the forums 3 years ago. I clicked the link to “resend confirmation email” but nothing happened. However, when I added an alternative email (yahoo), I got a notification immediately to my primary account (see Fig 2). Something is wrong. :thinking:

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

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@Moody can you please PM me your gmail address so I can check the logs? And resend the confirmation email when you do that?

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Done. Let me know if you need further information/testing.