Platform: Salamander ✅

Morning, all! I’m having an issue with Salamander - every time I launch my server, I get the following message while waiting for it to start up:

Waiting for Jupyter Notebook to start…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/bin/jupyter”, line 7, in
from jupyter_core.command import main
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘jupyter_core’

Any ideas what I can do to resolve?

I’m so sorry to do this - last time I reply to my own thread. Is there anything I can do to troubleshoot this, or should I just bite the bullet, delete the server, and recreate a new one?

Hi @knesgood! I haven’t seen that error before. Try ssh’ing in to your server and conda -c pytorch -c fastai update all .

Many thanks to @LessW2020 for letting me use his account to solve the “500: Internal Server Error” issue. If you have this problem, click New->Terminal in jupyter (or open an ssh session if you have that set up), then run this command:

conda install -y -c pytorch -c fastai fastai pytorch torchvision anaconda nbconvert

We’ll update the template tomorrow to include the updated software for any new instances that are created.


Hi jeremy, I can replicate the error by starting a new salamander server,
updating using Jupyter Notebook terminal
conda install -c fastai -c pytorch fastai pytorch
opening a copy of lesson2 and editing it and saving,
closing down Jupyter Notebook,
then starting it from salamander again.

when I try to open, I get the text below and it hangs
I have to click restart jupyter, to get to the jupyter file browser, then I can see the files but get 500… if I try and open any of the notebooks

if I don’t update fastai it will continue to work.

you can try loging into my account if that helps, but I haven’t worked out how to PM on this forum. maybe I am too new to be able to do that yet?

Waiting for Jupyter Notebook to start…
[I 05:43:12.384 LabApp] Saving file at /course-v3/nbs/dl1/lesson2-download-Copy1.ipynb
[W 05:43:12.385 LabApp] Notebook course-v3/nbs/dl1/lesson2-download-Copy1.ipynb is not trusted
[I 05:43:13.983 LabApp] Starting buffering for 9f371100-dc86-45f0-bee9-0df045aaa119:9c27392e803143c183065b6ca613af42
[I 05:43:14.187 LabApp] Kernel shutdown: 9f371100-dc86-45f0-bee9-0df045aaa119
[W 05:43:14.190 LabApp] 405 HEAD /tree ( 1.44ms referer=None
[W 05:43:16.171 LabApp] 405 HEAD /tree ( 1.52ms referer=None
[W 05:43:18.174 LabApp] 405 HEAD /tree ( 1.52ms referer=None
[W 05:43:20.177 LabApp] 405 HEAD /tree ( 1.54ms referer=None
[I 05:43:20.715 LabApp] Shutting down on /api/shutdown request.
[I 05:43:20.716 LabApp] Shutting down 0 kernels

oh i missed that it looks like you have already sorted it. Thanks for your help!

Hi @ashtonsix I’m having trouble with in which I see Cannot read property ‘click’ of null error when trying to redeem the coupon. I would like to manually upload it. Can I email you the code instead? What is your email.

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i no longer maintain Salamander. Salamander is now maintained by fastai

I see. Anyone know how to solve this “Cannot read property ‘click’ of null” error when trying to redeem aws coupon?

Ok, weirder and weirder. When I tried to run

conda -c pytorch -c fastai update all

it says there’s no module named “conda”. Here’s the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/condabin/conda”, line 12, in
from conda.cli import main
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘conda’

I verified the module exists in the anaconda3/condabin folder. Do I need to dump the whole anaconda3 install and reinstall?

Yeah sounds like you’ve gotten your server into a very odd state! Probably best to delete ~/anaconda3 and reinstall!

Sorry @gulstein there isn’t an official API for doing that so we have to use rather flaky workarounds! If it doesn’t work for you, I’d suggest creating a regular AWS account and instance to use your credits.

FYI folks we’ve updated the fastai template on Salamander so it’s got all the latest fastai, linux, python, and pytorch packages. To use it, just create a new instance, and pick the fastai template.

Would just like to chime in and say I never got this working for the same reason with my AWS Coupon

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I just tried to redeem the amazon coupon too. I also am getting : Cannot read property ‘click’ of null

Hi, trying to sign up at the moment but when I navigate to the page is not loading?

Have tried multiple browsers

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Yes @Tassill we’ve disabled that functionality since it’s not working. There shouldn’t be any links to it on Salamander any more.

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The link is still here:

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Many thanks - will fix.

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Given the link isn’t working, is the coupon still available somehow?

FYI: In the UI, the amount of time it claims to take an instance to die is inconsistent. I believe it’s 12 hours, but it says you get 36 to undo in the tooltip over the “Destroy” button.


After clicking button
