If you want to clone course-v4 quickly without setting up ssh keys, you can use http instead as described in https://github.community/t5/How-to-use-Git-and-GitHub/why-is-public-key-needed-to-clone/m-p/38447. But will probably need to set that up anyway if you want to later push your work into your own remote repo.
You should run the commands with bash shell
switch your default shell to bash: https://www.howtogeek.com/444596/how-to-change-the-default-shell-to-bash-in-macos-catalina/
chsh -s /bin/bash
close and re open your terminal window
Then run
curl https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash
exec -l $SHELL
I’m avoiding the CLI by directly using the console.
You can spin up an instance using ai-platform notebooks.
I had to increase the GPU quota via
Thanks! I do like zsh, though, so I’m a bit loathe to switch. I think I’ve got everything set up in Colab instead, so I’ll stick with that for now.
Dear all - I need some help!
My laptop OS is Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS, and I’ve got a paid Google Cloud account which seems to be working fine (e.g. I have GPUs set up).
I’ve set up my instance (Step 3 in the fast.ai guide.)
I get errors when trying to set up ssh to Jupyter Notebook. I’ve tried to ssh into the instance without Jupyter too (i.e. gcloud compute ssh --project $PROJECT_NAME $INSTANCE_NAME ) but that gives errors too.
I’ve also noticed that in the console the VM instance has the “ssh” connection button greyed out, and the only option to connect is to use another ssh client.
These are the errors I get. I’ve verified that the firewall and instance are set up to accept ssh traffic.
If I set up an instance directly in the console it works fine and I can ssh into console. But I’m not sure quite how to set up a VM in the console with the same specs as via the guide - I’ll try to figure this out as a next step I suppose.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If I can’t get this to work, I’ll go back to using Kaggle which I set up really quickly to do last year’s version of the course.
When cloning the fastai v4 folder. I got the following error.
Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address ‘’ to the list of known hosts.
git@github.com: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Does anyone know why that is the case? Thank you.
Try using http instead of ssh.
It works like a charm. Thank you.
OMG. I finally did it after a lot of fiddling. I hadn’t noticed the pre-emtible error (wasn’t that obvious on the console) and so the reason I couldn’t ssh in was because the instance wasn’t running. So obvious now. And whilst trouble shooting I’d switched from using my native terminal to the CLI in Google Cloud. For some reason starting a Jupyter Notebook from CLI doesn’t work (localhost:8080 doesn’t connect). Finally tried from the native terminal and it all worked.
Summary: follow the instructions except for setting up a pre-emptible instance.
At least I’ve learnt quite a lot about the gcloud commands and Google Cloud in general whilst fiddling around with this.
Last year I had lots of issues with my instances constantly getting preempted. It probably doesn’t help that everybody in this course is using --zone=us-west1-b
so it might be useful to spread out to other zones (but make sure to check GPU availability in each zone and zone-specific GPU pricing).
I’m sure others have already thought of this, but I have forgotten to stop my VM instance twice since setting it up two days ago. I’ve written a (one line) bash script to stop the instance and have scheduled it to run with cron at 2am each day. That means I can only get billed a maximum of 20 hours if I forget to stop it.
I’ve also created a couple of aliases so that I don’t have to type long commands in the terminal to start the process and the tunnel. So instead of:
gcloud compute instances start alex-fastai-instance --zone=us-west1-b
gcloud compute ssh --zone=us-west1-b jupyter@alex-fastai-instance -- -L 8080:localhost:8080
I just type the following into the terminal to get started with the Jupyter notebook.
Hope this might help somebody save a few key strokes or some billable hours.
I have just published a setup guide for Amazon SageMaker.
So putting that all together (retrospectively, hope I’m not missing anything important), I have:
Step 3: Create an instance (I didn’t use the “–preemptible” option)
Step 4:
In the command line clone the course-v4 repository with:
git clone https://github.com/fastai/course-v4
and the fastbook repository with
git clone https://github.com/fastai/fastbook.git
Note: Agit pull
within the course-v4 folder or the ‘fastbook’ folder keeps them up to date.
Also don’t forget to install fastai with:
pip install fastai2
in the command line and its dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
after navigating to thecourse-v4
Did you try using https to clone the repository instead of ssh? The command for that is in my post above.
https worked bro. Thanks.
I’m getting error “sudo: /opt/anaconda3/bin/conda: command not found” in response to
sudo /opt/anaconda3/bin/conda install -c fastai fastai
In step 4 from https://course.fast.ai/start_gcp.html.
Does anyone have a solution?
Also my remote host keeps closing my connection every 10 minutes or so.
Which results in Jupyter Notebook kernel connection and autosave issues.
Any recommendations on how to fix this? Thanks!!
That was happening to me as well. You can run this to find preemption events:
gcloud compute operations list --filter="operationType=compute.instances.preempted"
Probably you’ll see that your instance was preempted at the time the connection was closed. I started over with a new, non-preemptable instance. To do so, drop --preemptible
from the command you use to create an instance.
@steef, I think you want to install fastai2 and not fastai, am I right? The command you are using will install fastai and not fastai2.
I recommend using pip like jeremy stated:
pip install fastai2
Here are all the steps in my post above:
Hope it’s useful, and that I have not left anything out. Do let me know, should you try it out.