Platform: GCP ✅


When I do this step, I get to see my kernel. But when I try fastai.version it gives me the latest version number. the steps are as follows:

  1. conda env create -f environment.yml (‘environment.yml’ is the file in the old fastai for creation of fastai GPU environment)
  2. This creates an environment called fastai
  3. Then I do “python -m ipykernel install --user --name fastai”
  4. I can see an environment called fastai. I open a notebook in this environment and type “import fastai; print(fastai.version)”
  5. I can see version as 1.0.18

Why don’t you try
pip install fastai==0.7??
This will give 0.7 version.

I just upgraded my account, but am getting the same error.

Error: The zone ‘projects/divine-outlet-218301/zones/us-west1-b’ does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later.

@adpostma thanks for the suggestion, though. It’s going on three days now that I’ve been unable to spin up my GCP instance. I was hoping that this would sort of resolve itself. It sounds like others are having similar problems (@NandoBr), even after switching zones. I’m still relatively new to all of this, so any advice would be much appreciated.

How to use that in a different conda environment? Also how can I ensure that it does not corrupt my existing V1 in the base and install two versions of pytorch.

Hi, please help out. I can no longer start my instance, when try it says:

Starting VM instance “my-fastai-instance” failed. Error: Quota ‘GPUS_ALL_REGIONS’ exceeded. Limit: 0.0 globally.

search this thread. You can see the solution.

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@Czechcheck thank you for the credit!

Thanks a lot for the credit

Thanx Czechneck. Much appreciated!

Hi Allan, I’ve tried your instruction but it did not work on my end. I was frustrated and decided to delete my instance and create another one. I am able to open my notebook now. Thanks for your help!

Is anyone else having issues with the kaggle api? I am getting 404 - Not Found errors.


Did you copy kaggle.json file to .kaggle folder and accept competition rules at kaggle website?

Anyone recently observed an increase in time to train an epoch on a GCP instance?By training time per epoch almost shot up by 100%.Have been facing this since past 12 hrs.

If you are new to kaggle you need to verify your account and then sign up for the competition to be able to access the data.

Unfortunately, I’m getting the error that several others in this thread have also encountered: “The zone ‘…’ does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later.” I’ve tried to restart the instance at many different times over the last 3 hours without success. I read on the “Introducing fastai-shell” thread by @arunoda that @cwerner also had the same problem a couple hours ago, so maybe it’s because the west coast trying to finish up work before the weekend :wink:

I tried to use Jeremy’s tip to move the instance, but I get the following error:

gcloud compute instances move my-fastai-instance
–zone us-west2-b --destination-zone us-east1-b

Moving gce instance my-fastai-instance…failed.
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.instances.move) Instance cannot be moved while in state: TERMINATED

This message is technically correct: I had left the instance on yesterday and it got terminated after 24hours. Is there any other way to access my disk from another location?

FYI, I was able to start this instance again a couple of minutes ago. So maybe it was Friday evening load.

Thank you Petr Simecek! I received my GCP credit yesterday. This will enable a lot of learning experience for me on Deep Learning through experimenting and I deeply appreciate your nice gesture to help fellow learners. My best wishes!
KrishnaGopal Shrivastava

I am also getting the same error. Tried creating a new instance in a different zone(us-west1-b), but that is also giving the same error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated


This happens every now and then, perhaps give us-west2 a try? It usually works for me when west1 is down.