Platform: Colab ✅

Mount your gdrive with

from google.colab import *
drive.mount('/content/gdrive', force_remount=True)

Then use !cp to copy.


I think there is an easier way. Just downloading data on gdrive itself from the beginning and working with data there, without any need to copy it. And after training , "file_paths=top_loss_paths’ shows the path of images that causes the top loss which can again be easy to handle from gdrive directly.


I clicked on back,grizzly and teddys folders each and pressed upload button but my urls_black.txt, urls_grizzly.txt and urls_teddys.txt files are not showing up under any of those folders, they just show up under models and therefore I can’t download images per instructions provided by Jeremy.



You can move the url files with shutil module. My colab NB defaults to the directory /content, which is where the url files appear to be. import shutil and then move the files with

shutil.move('/content/urls_black.txt/', '/content/data/bears/black/urls_black.txt')

Then they will be in the right place. Or, change the directories as needed.

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Error related to lesson3:

! conda install -y -c haasad eidl7zip

and I got the below error:

/bin/bash: conda: command not found

Any help is appreciated.

You can also use bash mv (or any shell command) in the notebook by prefixing with a !.
So !mv <source> <destination> will do the trick.

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Colab does not use conda so that command does not work.

To install 7zip use !apt-get install p7zip-full, but you should not need to since the colab environment comes with it preinstalled.

You can test it in the notebook with !7za to see the usage output.


Right-Click on the data folder, you can see a upload file. there you upload the files. I hope this helps.

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supposed to be https instead of http:
!curl | bash

anybody make it work running the Filedeleter() or the new one ImageDeleter(), I got disconnected on the first and runtime error on the later

Does anyone know if there is a way to save the model offline and load them later? If I do"stage-1")

How can I save that outside of colab so I can load the weights if I start a new kernel?

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You can find your saved models in data/[project]/models/ in the sidebar file viewer, then just right click on the file and choose download.

If you have mounted your google drive then just !cp the files there.

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One issue I’m running into is that when I’m running the

path = untar_data(URLs.IMDB_SAMPLE)

The directory it’s saved in isn’t in data/[project]/models/ but rather


Which doesn’t show up in the sidebar in Colab. Is What would be the best workaround for this, if I want to download the data to data/[project]/models/

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If you have run the colab fastai install script then /content/data/ should be symlinked to /root/.fastai/data/ and show up in the sidebar.

The /[project] directory is created from the notebook when running

path = Config.data_path()/'project'

or automatically when running

path = untar_data()

The /models directory is automatically created when you run

I think I see what the problem is, I wasn’t running

  !curl | bash

In my notebook. Thanks!

while running

from fastai import *
from import *

i am getting this error:

Following up with this question: the learner doesn’t seem to be saved under models in the files tab, I’ve refreshed and resaved the model multiple times.

In this case the /models dir is “hidden” in the /images dir.

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Found it, thanks!

When I use the ImageDeleter, I keep getting a runtime error. Not sure if it is something just happening in colab. Or is there some way to use it different on there. Any help is appreciated. Thank you