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yes, but remember to go to Runtime -> Change Runtime and select GPU

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I tried to run !python but still error

@Albertotono did you change directories via %cd ?

just copied the requirements over -
!pip install fastai2>=0.0.11 graphviz ipywidgets matplotlib nbdev>=0.2.12 pandas scikit_learn azure-cognitiveservices-search-imagesearch sentencepiece
was able to run through intro.ipynb (didn’t run the text example)

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@barnacl it worked

Thanks @muellerzr yes I did

I updated the wiki on top

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step 5 is not needed at fastai2 is being installed in step 6, is that correct ?
and should we add a git pull step too to have the most updated version of the book?


Manual imports in step 6 are only needed because requirements.txt is now missing in the clone of course-v4.

I think we definitely should


i think you need from import *

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What would be ideal is a script stashed somewhere that you can just execute each time to set it up (when opening a notebook from GitHub)

[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘images/chapter1_cat_example.jpg’ yes, now I got this even if I copy the images folder in the new folder

@Albertotono looks like images are yet to come. (Remember they just moved everything from the fastbook repo, I’d say give them until tonight with L1 to sort out any bugs) :slight_smile:

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Awesome @muellerzr I am too excited for this course. :rofl: looking forward to tonight

Do you know why they did?

So it’s a proper course-v4 repository. :slight_smile:

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If you cloned the images directory to your gdrive you need to change the path in the notebook.

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@gamo the directions change the global current directory (the %cd) so it shouldn’t be necessary. The images folder doesn’t exist at the moment in the repo :slight_smile:

The images directory in should be the same, it probably won’t change.

Probably. I opened up an issue on GitHub so they’ll get back with me on how to deal with it (since we’re working out of course-v4)

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I don’t know if it was already mentioned, but you no longer need to run that code snippet to mount your Google Drive. The other option is to go to the file directory and press mount Google Drive. You will not need to copy and paste in a special token anymore.