Platform: Amazon SageMaker - AWS

Anyone having problems importing fastbook? I’m getting stuck when using the fastai2 kernel.

!pip install -Uqq fastbook 
import fastbook 

This yields the following error:

ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-2b820b2b946f> in <module>
  1 #hide
  2 get_ipython().system('pip install -Uqq fastbook')
----> 3 import fastbook
  4 fastbook.setup_book()

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'fastbook'

I get this exact same error when I try to build everything with the script provided by @FraPochetti
Still thanks a lot for the template though. I tried to add certain extra lines of code like conda updata conda --all but it didn’t help to get rid of the error message. I ended up just using one of the initially provided templates. Thank you all for your help :slight_smile:

@_Nils Could you point to the template you used? Thanks.

@FraPochetti I also get the 5 minute timeout error when launching the cloudformation stack using the template you shared. Can you confirm this template still works?

@ganesh.bhat were you ever able to get this to work? Did adding ‘nohup’ to the pip commands fix the issue?

@matt.mcclean can you confirm this setup process still works?
I can report that the cloudformation stack deploys with no issues, and able to access the Sagemaker notebook instance/jupyter. But, the notebook instance it creates does not work with the fastai notebooks.

The very first notebook:

cannot be completed without quite a few errors, all of which suggest graphviz is not configured correctly during the setup process in the cfn script.

Sorry guys, I will maybe have time to look into this next week.
Right now it is a bit hectic.

You can create a stack using the template from here, changing the two references to ‘course-v4’ to ‘fastbook’

pip install -r /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/fastbook/requirements.txt

DefaultCodeRepository: GitHub - fastai/fastbook: The fastai book, published as Jupyter Notebooks

Notebook 01 runs without errors.

this fixes it. Thanks @AlisonDavey

For anyone else who finds this thread with similar problems, I will submit a PR to fix.

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PR to fix:


I selected the Frankfurt, Germany link since I live in Northern Europe, and got this response when trying to create the stack.

CREATE_FAILED The requested resource notebook-instance/ml.p2.xlarge is not available in this region (Service: AmazonSageMaker; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ResourceLimitExceeded; Request ID: 12ba24b0-cf28-4e37-aec0-e04a199ef168)

Hmm, that instance type is definitely supposed to be available in the Frankfurt region. Check out the pricing page under the “On-Demand Notebook Instances” tab and Frankfurt region.

You might need to request a quota increase.

Yes, AWS is insane.

I tried Ireland instead, but ran into having to request a quota increase. It took hours to get a response, which only repeated my request back to me. By that time I was up and running with Paperspace, so I cancelled AWS. Not going back to AWS anytime soon.

Has anyone seen this error while trying to deploy the model?
sagemaker_containers._errors.ClientError: name ‘load_learner’ is not defined

The error is coming from:
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/”, line 15, in model_fn
learn = load_learner(model_dir, fname=‘export.pkl’)
The file contains the 4 methods: model_fn , input_fn , predict_fn & output_fn

and it imports:

import logging, requests, os, io, glob, time
from import *

I followed the instructions in this link

Could it be the instance where the model is deployed does not have the right version of fastai?

This is my deploy instruction (from the link above):
predictor = model.deploy(initial_instance_count=1, instance_type=‘ml.t2.medium’)

@sujatha - The same question seems to be addressed in the previous version of course category.

1 Like

If you are looking for a low-cost way to deploy your fastai models into production, AWS Lambda just announced support for Container images to package your code and dependencies such as PyTorch & fastai libraries and your exported fastai model. I have setup an example project using the SAM CLI here:

Would love to hear your feedback!

This is great. I will try it out. How can this be used when the training data keeps changing on a daily or regular basis like in recommendation engine or forecasting?

Hi, I’m Sal and am trying to start the course. I have been following the Sagemaker instructions but AWS has told me that ml.p3.2xlarge is not available in the US-West, which seems odd to me. Is there any way to use the Notebook with other available instances?

I was eventually able to get this working by using the template found at:
and then adding the nohup prefix to the pip install commands.

Thanks @AlisonDavey and @ganesh.bhat

You do need use Cloud Formation: create-stack and enter the template manually in designer or upload.
Perhaps someone could add this to the official button-click launches. It would save some confusion for people not experienced with Cloud Formation

For reference here is my working version:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Type: String
Default: ml.p2.xlarge
- ml.p3.2xlarge
- ml.p2.xlarge
Description: Enter the SageMaker Notebook instance type
Type: Number
Default: 50
Description: Enter the size of the EBS volume attached to the notebook instance
MaxValue: 17592
MinValue: 5
Type: AWS::IAM::Role
DeletionPolicy: Delete
- Action: sts:AssumeRole
Effect: Allow
Version: “2012-10-17”
- Fn::Join:
- “”
- - “arn:”
- Ref: AWS::Partition
- :iam::aws:policy/AmazonSageMakerFullAccess
aws:cdk:path: CdkFastaiv2SagemakerNbStack/Fastai2SagemakerNotebook/fastai-v4NotebookRole/Resource
Type: AWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig
DeletionPolicy: Delete
NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigName: fastai-v4LifecycleConfig
- Content:
Fn::Base64: >-

          set -e

          echo "Starting on Create script"

          sudo -i -u ec2-user bash <<EOF

          touch /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/.create-notebook


          cat > /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/ <<\EOF


          set -e

          echo "Creating dirs and symlinks"

          mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/.cache

          mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/.fastai

          [ ! -L "/home/ec2-user/.cache" ] && ln -s /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/.cache /home/ec2-user/.cache

          [ ! -L "/home/ec2-user/.fastai" ] && ln -s /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/.fastai /home/ec2-user/.fastai

          echo "Updating conda"

          conda update -n base -c defaults conda -y

          conda update --all -y

          echo "Starting conda create command for fastai env"

          conda create -mqyp /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/.env/fastai python=3.6

          echo "Activate fastai conda env"

          conda init bash

          source ~/.bashrc

          conda activate /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/.env/fastai

          echo "Install ipython kernel and widgets"

          conda install ipywidgets ipykernel -y

          echo "Installing fastai lib"

          nohup pip install -r /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/fastbook/requirements.txt

          nohup pip install fastbook sagemaker

          echo "Installing Jupyter kernel for fastai"

          python -m ipykernel install --name 'fastai' --user

          echo "Finished installing fastai conda env"

          echo "Install Jupyter nbextensions"

          conda activate JupyterSystemEnv

          nohup pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

          jupyter contrib nbextensions install --user

          echo "Restarting jupyter notebook server"

          pkill -f jupyter-notebook

          rm /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/.create-notebook

          echo "Exiting install script"


          chown ec2-user:ec2-user /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/

          chmod 755 /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/

          sudo -i -u ec2-user bash <<EOF

          nohup /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/ &


          echo "Finishing on Create script"
    - Content:
        Fn::Base64: >-

          set -e

          echo "Starting on Start script"

          sudo -i -u ec2-user bash << EOF

          if [[ -f /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/.create-notebook ]]; then
              echo "Skipping as currently installing conda env"
              # create symlinks to EBS volume
              echo "Creating symlinks"
              ln -s /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/.fastai /home/ec2-user/.fastai
              echo "Updating conda"
              conda update -n base -c defaults conda -y
              echo "Activate fastai conda env"
              conda init bash
              source ~/.bashrc
              conda activate /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/.env/fastai
              echo "Updating fastai packages"
              nohup pip install fastai fastcore sagemaker --upgrade
              echo "Installing Jupyter kernel"
              python -m ipykernel install --name 'fastai' --user
              echo "Install Jupyter nbextensions"
              conda activate JupyterSystemEnv
              nohup pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
              jupyter contrib nbextensions install --user
              echo "Restarting jupyter notebook server"
              pkill -f jupyter-notebook
              echo "Finished setting up Jupyter kernel"


          echo "Finishing on Start script"
  aws:cdk:path: CdkFastaiv2SagemakerNbStack/Fastai2SagemakerNotebook/fastai-v4LifecycleConfig

Type: AWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstance
DeletionPolicy: Retain
Ref: InstanceType
- Fastai2SagemakerNotebookfastaiv4NotebookRoleA75B4C74
- Arn
LifecycleConfigName: fastai-v4LifecycleConfig
NotebookInstanceName: fastai-v4
Ref: VolumeSize
aws:cdk:path: CdkFastaiv2SagemakerNbStack/Fastai2SagemakerNotebook/fastai-v4NotebookInstance
Type: AWS::CDK::Metadata
Modules: aws-cdk=1.60.0,@aws-cdk/aws-iam=1.60.0,@aws-cdk/aws-sagemaker=1.60.0,@aws-cdk/cloud-assembly-schema=1.60.0,@aws-cdk/core=1.60.0,@aws-cdk/cx-api=1.60.0,@aws-cdk/region-info=1.60.0,jsii-runtime=node.js/v14.8.0
Condition: CDKMetadataAvailable
- Fn::Or:
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- ap-east-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- ap-northeast-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- ap-northeast-2
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- ap-south-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- ap-southeast-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- ap-southeast-2
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- ca-central-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- cn-north-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- cn-northwest-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- eu-central-1
- Fn::Or:
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- eu-north-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- eu-west-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- eu-west-2
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- eu-west-3
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- me-south-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- sa-east-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- us-east-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- us-east-2
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- us-west-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- us-west-2

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Here’s a guide on how to deploy a fastai v2 model to a sagemaker endpoint using torchserve (pytorch >= 1.6). Largely based on great prior work by @matt.mcclean

Feel free to use this as a template for deploying your own models. I suffered through a lot of issues getting this working so hopefully I can save you some of the pain.