Patch a Debugger to your class method


I’ve found the use of fastcores @patch quite magical for tweaking class methods. I also seem to use it alot for debugging, where I patch a method and insert pdb.set_trace() and then step through to inspect the inputs, outputs etc. However this involves copying the entire method from source code into my notebook, which can get a little messy for larger methods.


Inspired by @hamelsmu and @KevinB’s dives into fastcore, I’m trying to leverage patch_to to insert pdb.set_trace() directly into the method, while staying in the notebook. I know i should be using an editor to drop this debugging code into the source code I’m trying to debug, but why not stay within the warm comfortable glow of your notebook :smiley:

Debugger not quite working as expected

I’ve gotten a fair bit of the way there, to the point where I can insert the new code and patch it to the class. However when the class method is called and the debugger runs, it starts from a funky place in python-land (as opposed to line 2 of my function), and stepping through it brings me to strange and foreign places (and not line 3, 4, 5 etc of my function). Screenshot of a few steps in the debugger:


Any ideas where this is going wrong? I guess its to do with how I recreated the function with exec, possibly something to do with IPython…but not sure where to go from here…

patch_debugger code

import inspect 
import re
from import patch_to

def patch_debugger(_cls, _f):

    # Get source code as string and split at the end of the signature
    _f_source = inspect.getsource(_f)
    # Remove any spacing 2+ spaces long
    _f_source = re.sub(r'( ){2}', '',_f_source)

    # split the function by new line
    s_func = _f_source.split('\n')

    # Add the class annotation
    s_func[0] = s_func[0].replace('self', f'self:{_cls.__name__}')

    # define the debugger lines to insert
    db = ['import pdb','pdb.set_trace()']

    # create list of new function lines
    new_func = []

    # turn list into a single string
    nf = new_func[0] + '\n'
    for n in new_func[1:]:
        nf += '   ' + n + '\n'

    print(f'New function created: \n\n{nf}')
    # Create a new function from string new_func
    exec(f'{nf}', locals(), globals())   # globals()
    # create assign an object to our new function
    exec(f'j = {_f.__name__}', locals(), globals())
    "Decorator: add `f` to the first parameter's class (based on f's type annotations)"
    cls = next(iter(j.__annotations__.values()))
    #return patch_to(cls)(j)

Our class to debug

class BuggyClass():
    def having_fun(self, is_sunny=True): 
        if is_sunny: print("I'm having fun")
        else: print("well I'm still having fun")  

Test everything is working

bc = BuggyClass()

I’m having fun

Patch our debugger code into BuggyClass.having_fun

patch_debugger(BuggyClass, BuggyClass.having_fun)

Run the patched method

bc = BuggyClass()

Debugger starts here

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Tagging @jeremy as he might have some experiences with how to debug ( I remember him talking about that before )


fastcore has this already :slight_smile:


Oh and you can also do it this way

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Of course it does haha, thanks @jeremy! Very cool, trace is waaay cleaner than what I was trying. Never new you could use %%debug like that too :man_facepalming:

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@morgan note the use of the b pdb command in my screenshot - very handy

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Oh nice, thanks!

Edited last message:

NEVERMIND. I need to obviously get more sleep, my mind was on something else. Sorry for the confusion. I was reading something else at the same time :slight_smile: sorry.