Pascal-multi: redefining anchor boxes (change scale/size, zoom, aspect ratio, number of) without getting tensor size mismatch RuntimeError

UPDATE 3/30: Updated thread title to better reflect the general discussion of how we can redefine our anchor boxes with appropriate SSD head architecture changes and vice versa


I encountered this runtime error when changing the number of anchor boxes in the pascal-multi notebook - both in the first section where we test out 16 (4*4) anchor boxes and also in the More Anchors! section where we used 189 anchor boxes ((16+4+1)*9).

For example, in the 1st part, if I change to anc_grid=2, when running ssd_loss(batch, y, True) later on, I get this error:

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-50-0b3e91fc3fa0> in <module>()
----> 1 ssd_loss(batch, y, True)

<ipython-input-45-49cfc27062ce> in ssd_loss(pred, targ, print_it)
     36     lcs,lls = 0.,0.
     37     for b_c,b_bb,bbox,clas in zip(*pred,*targ):
---> 38         loc_loss,clas_loss = ssd_1_loss(b_c,b_bb,bbox,clas,print_it)
     39         lls += loc_loss
     40         lcs += clas_loss

<ipython-input-45-49cfc27062ce> in ssd_1_loss(b_c, b_bb, bbox, clas, print_it, use_ab)
     21 def ssd_1_loss(b_c,b_bb,bbox,clas,print_it=False, use_ab=True):
     22     bbox,clas = get_y(bbox,clas)
---> 23     a_ic = actn_to_bb(b_bb, anchors)
     24     overlaps = jaccard(, (anchor_cnr if use_ab else a_ic).data)
     25     gt_overlap,gt_idx = map_to_ground_truth(overlaps,print_it)

<ipython-input-45-49cfc27062ce> in actn_to_bb(actn, anchors)
      6 def actn_to_bb(actn, anchors):
      7     actn_bbs = torch.tanh(actn)
----> 8     actn_centers = (actn_bbs[:,:2]/2 * grid_sizes) + anchors[:,:2]
      9     actn_hw = (actn_bbs[:,2:]/2+1) * anchors[:,2:]
     10     return hw2corners(actn_centers, actn_hw)

RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (16) must match the size of tensor b (4) at non-singleton dimension 0

The error message describes a mismatch between the size of tensor a (actn_bbs which comes from b_bb) and tensor b (anchors) which is confirmed with a pdb printout:

RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (16) must match the size of tensor b (4) at non-singleton dimension 0
> <ipython-input-57-dae61e33d5ae>(9)actn_to_bb()
-> actn_centers = (actn_bbs[:,:2]/2 * grid_sizes) + anchors[:,:2]
(Pdb) p actn_bbs.shape
torch.Size([16, 4])
(Pdb) p anchors.shape
torch.Size([4, 4])

Looking within a batch, we can see the size 16 comes from the middle dimension of b_c and b_bb:

batch = learn.model(x)
b_c, b_bb = batch
b_c.shape, b_bb.shape, anchors.shape
  (torch.Size([64, 16, 21]), torch.Size([64, 16, 4]), torch.Size([4, 4]))

After a healthy amount of pdb.set_trace-ing, I found that the OutConv layer of the SSD custom head architecture is responsible for the middle axis in b_bb where the size 16 vs 4 tensor mismatch occurs:

# latest flatten_conv after Jeremy's bugfix on March 27
def flatten_conv(x,k):
    bs,nf,gx,gy = x.size()
    x = x.permute(0,2,3,1).contiguous()
    return x.view(bs,-1,nf//k)
class OutConv(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, k, nin, bias):
        self.k = k
        self.oconv1 = nn.Conv2d(nin, (len(id2cat)+1)*k, 3, padding=1)
        self.oconv2 = nn.Conv2d(nin, 4*k, 3, padding=1)
    def forward(self, x):
        return [flatten_conv(self.oconv1(x), self.k),
                flatten_conv(self.oconv2(x), self.k)]
class SSD_Head(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, k, bias):
        self.drop = nn.Dropout(0.25)
        self.sconv0 = StdConv(512,256, stride=1)
        self.sconv1 = StdConv(256,256)
        self.sconv2 = StdConv(256,256)
        self.out = OutConv(k, 256, bias)
    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.drop(F.relu(x))
        x = self.sconv0(x)
#         x = self.sconv1(x)
        x = self.sconv2(x)
        return self.out(x)

x in this case is what’s going through the forward pass of SSD_Head. Running pdb trace here, we see that x after the self.sconv2(x) step has the shape of 64 x 256 x 4 x 4 :

-> x = self.drop(F.relu(x))
-> x = self.sconv0(x)
-> x = self.sconv2(x)
-> return self.out(x)
(Pdb) p x.size()
torch.Size([64, 256, 4, 4])

OutConv takes this 64 x 256 x 4 x 4 input x and creates a list of two outputs after running them through flatten_conv() which flattens the last 2 dimensions into 1 (4 x 4 -> 16) and moves it into middle position:

  • oconv1 output flattened: 64 x 16 x 21 (21 being (len(id2cat)+1)*k)
  • oconv2 output flattened: 64 x 16 x 4 (4 predicted bounding box coordinates)

The bug stems from how many stride-2 convolutions x goes through to get to its 64 x 256 x 4 x 4 shape before entering OutConv.

When the number of anchors was set to 16, no error was displayed because it matched the number of outputs (16) before flattening. But when we change the anchor count to 4, the outconv output remains size 16 because it still goes through the same number of stride-2 convs while the anchor tensor is now of size 4.

I fixed this bug in the first SSD_Head model by introducing an adaptive_maxpool layer (remember these handy things from lesson 7?) to correctly set the final shape size for x before it goes into OutConv:

class SSD_Head(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, k, bias):
        self.drop = nn.Dropout(0.25)
        self.sconv0 = StdConv(512,256, stride=1)
        self.sconv1 = StdConv(256,256)
        self.sconv2 = StdConv(256,256)
        self.out = OutConv(k, 256, bias)
    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.drop(F.relu(x))
        x = self.sconv0(x)       
        #x = self.sconv1(x)
        x = self.sconv2(x)
        x = F.adaptive_max_pool2d(x, anc_grid) # new adaptive maxpool to set (x.size(2) * x.size(3)) equal to number of anchor boxes
        return self.out(x)

I applied a similar fix to the later SSD_MultiHead model where we generate many more anchor boxes:

class SSD_MultiHead(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, k, bias):
        self.drop = nn.Dropout(drop)
        self.sconv1 = StdConv(512,256, drop=drop)
        self.sconv2 = StdConv(256,256, drop=drop)
        self.sconv3 = StdConv(256,256, drop=drop)
        self.out0 = OutConv(k, 256, bias)
        self.out1 = OutConv(k, 256, bias)
        self.out2 = OutConv(k, 256, bias)
        self.out3 = OutConv(k, 256, bias)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.drop(F.relu(x))
        x = self.sconv1(x)
        x = F.adaptive_max_pool2d(x, anc_grids[0]) # adaptive maxpool for 1st size of anchors
        o1c,o1l = self.out1(x)
        x = self.sconv2(x)
        x = F.adaptive_max_pool2d(x, anc_grids[1]) # adaptive maxpool for 2nd size of anchors
        o2c,o2l = self.out2(x) 
        x = self.sconv3(x)
        x = F.adaptive_max_pool2d(x, anc_grids[2]) # adaptive maxpool for 3rd size of anchors
        o3c,o3l = self.out3(x)
#         return [o1c, o1l]
        return [[o1c,o2c,o3c], dim=1),
      [o1l,o2l,o3l], dim=1)]

With this in place, for each image, the model predicts categories and bounding boxes the same number of times as the number of anchor boxes set by anc_grid= in the first section.

In the later ‘SSD_MultiHead’ section, this handles changes within anc_grids. I.e. anc_grids=[3,2,1] with k=9 generates 126 anchor boxes ((3x3 + 2x2 + 1x1) x 9) and 126 bb predictions to match. However, this is more of a brittle solution here because it assumes you keep len(anc_grids) == 3 or it’ll throw an out of index error. So this part still needs work/thought.

I’ve compared the training performance before vs after adding the adaptive_max_pool bugfix and found them to be nearly equivalent:

I’m quite new to coding in general so I’m sure there are more elegant ways to fix this bug, and in particular, accommodate for all changes to len(anc_grids) in the More Anchors! section.

Please share any suggestions or comments and thanks for following along with my debugging journey!


Congrats on working thru some tricky code and concepts!

In general, your architecture needs to match your anchor definitions. I don’t think using pooling to make this work is the best way (although it’s a clever solution!), but instead you should try to have the right number of stride 2 convs to match the anchor definitions.

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Thanks for the suggestions! After much discussion and learning w/ @Moody and @lesscomfortable, we arrived at some different options if we want to customize the number of anchor boxes and make the architecture work:

Added option 0 as per jeremy’s reply below:
Option 0. Define anchor boxes based on SSD head’s grid cell structure. If more anchor boxes are needed than the default output of the backbone network, then go further back (down? up?) in the backbone to access larger grid sizes or increase k by adding more zooms / aspect ratios.

Option 1. Create a custom SSD head to get to the correct activations shape that feeds into OutConv(). For example, if we define 3x3 anchor boxes, we need to get the layer that feeds into OutConv to be of shape ( batch size x 256 x 3 x 3 ). @moody found a good receptive field calculator which helps with defining the correct conv2d layer settings to arrive at our desired final shape:

Option 2. Don’t change the number of anchor boxes; change the training images instead so that our objects of interests are a better match up with the currently defined anchor boxes. For example, we could resize training images so that objects are generally of the same scale as the 4x4, 2x2, or 1x1 anchor boxes. Assuming input image dims of 224x224, that means objects would be around 56px, 112px, or 224px in size on at least one dimension.

Option 3. Only as a last resort, use the hacky adaptive_max_pool approach seen above :slight_smile: We believe this gives suboptimal performance because we throw away positional information by max-pooling the activations within each receptive field as opposed to convolving through them.

Are we missing anything big?


That sounds about right, but I think you’re missing the main approach, which is: define your anchor boxes based on your SSD head’s grid cell structure. And create enough anchor boxes that all your objects will be handled. If you look at the SSD paper, you’ll see (fig 2) that they go all the way back to the 38x38 grid in their base/backbone network!


Yes, right, of course:

Option 0 (?): Define anchor boxes based on SSD head’s grid cell structure. If more anchor boxes are needed than the default output of the backbone network, then go further back (down? up?) in the backbone architecture to access larger grid sizes or increase k by adding more zooms / aspect ratios.


Here’s a working example of changing the anchor box definitions & SSD_MultiHead:

anc_grids = [7,4,2]
anc_zooms = [0.5, 0.8, 1., 1.5]
anc_ratios = [(1.,1.), (1.,0.7), (0.7,1.)]


len(anchors), k
(828, 12)

We have created 828 anchor boxes because we have:

  • 3 scales (7x7 + 4x4 + 2x2 = 69)
  • k = 12 combinations (4 zooms x 3 aspect ratios) for each of those 69 (69 x 12 = 828)

Later in the notebook, we need to customize the SSD_MultiHead to output the correctly sized grid cells to out1, out2, out3 that are of the same size as our new anchor box scales (7x7, 4x4, 2x2).

We can do this by changing the stride parameter of sconv1 from 2 to 1 so that we keep the grid cell at 7x7 for the first output (out1). Then sconv2 reduces the grid cell to 4x4 (because it’s a stride-2 conv by default) for use by out2 and sconv3 reduces it further to 2x2 for out3.

Note that we only need to customize the conv architecture if we are changing the scales definition of anchor boxes (in anc_grids). If we are only changing zooms or aspect ratios, that’s automatically reflected in changes to the k multiplier.


class SSD_MultiHead_742(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, k, bias):
        self.drop = nn.Dropout(drop)
        self.sconv1 = StdConv(512,256, drop=drop, stride=1)  # changed stride to 1 to preserve grid cell size of 7x7
        self.sconv2 = StdConv(256,256, drop=drop)
        self.sconv3 = StdConv(256,256, drop=drop)
        #self.out0 = OutConv(k, 256, bias)
        self.out1 = OutConv(k, 256, bias)
        self.out2 = OutConv(k, 256, bias)
        self.out3 = OutConv(k, 256, bias)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.drop(F.relu(x)) # x shape: bs x 512 x 7 x 7
        x = self.sconv1(x)       # x shape: bs x 256 x 7 x 7
        o1c,o1l = self.out1(x)
        x = self.sconv2(x)       # x shape: bs x 256 x 4 x 4
        o2c,o2l = self.out2(x) 
        x = self.sconv3(x)       # x shape: bs x 256 x 2 x 2
        o3c,o3l = self.out3(x)
        return [[o1c,o2c,o3c], dim=1),
      [o1l,o2l,o3l], dim=1)]

head_reg4 = SSD_MultiHead_742(k, -4.)
models = ConvnetBuilder(f_model, 0, 0, 0, custom_head=head_reg4)
learn = ConvLearner(md, models)
learn.opt_fn = optim.Adam

learn.crit = ssd_loss
lr = 1e-2
lrs = np.array([lr/100,lr/10,lr])
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…or increase k by adding more zooms / aspect ratios.

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