Part 1, online study group

Thanks for the update @shahnoza!

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Thanks @shahnoza it worked perfect . Thank you this solution is elegant and more than a nought for me . You own me one .

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Hi all. I am also interested to join the group. I have started some time ago and just posted my first toy project at share-your-work-here-thread and the respective notebook is available at my github. Looking forward.

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Thanks @jeremy for supporting this little community! It means a lot!

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Good to know @Miske :heart_eyes:

Great work @dmilush ! It would be great if you could show your project during the next meetup :smiley:

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There is NLP study group starting here :star_struck:

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Hello Deep Learners! Just a reminder, we are having a meetup today at 3PM GMT, that is in 35 minutes! There is a new link to join

Looking forward to the meeting :hugs:

@shahnoza Is everything working alright? Currently I am to get my request to join approved.

There were technical difficulties using the google meetings. Here is the link to the zoom meeting:

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New link for today :slight_smile:

The newest one:

Are there such groups but offline?

If you donā€™t have one in your area (Chances are you might)-Thatā€™s a great point to start one.

Thatā€™s what I did too :tea:

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You can also check in meetup app or facebook groups. I was able to find one through meetup in my place last year.

What lecture are you on now? I would like to join.

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People are mostly in Lectures 1, 2, 3,4. During the meetup everyone gives a short summary about the progress they have made during the week (lecture, personal project or group project) and we discuss interesting points. So different lectures get covered. Which lecture are you doing now?

I would like to join, just finished watching lecture 1 and part of lecture 2 on YouTube. My time in front of a computer is limited outside of work, so it would be nice to be in a group so I can push myself.

I just got done building a PC with a GPU (1060 GTX) so I can run some DL. Currently it has Windows 10 pro and I was going to install pycharm, Anaconda and Pytorch. Iā€™ve got both a 512 GB and a 1TB NVMe drive. Iā€™d like to save $ and use that system for this course if at all possible. If someone could message me about whatā€™s a good set of instructions for that. Otherwise Iā€™m going to assume I need to use one of the server services mentioned in the course.

My education is as a physicist but my day job is a control systems engineer. Iā€™ve got a few specific domains Iā€™m interested in applying DL to.

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Sounds great! I use Google Collab, because it is free and itā€™s GPU is enough for practising first lessons :slightly_smiling_face: What domains are you interested in?

There is a meetup today at 3PM GMT.

Join Zoom Meeting:

The meetup is on =)