Paperspace setup help

@dillon - I am using steps listed by @reshama on template. However, I am getting timed out error every time. I saw few posts on the forum but not sure of a solution. I am on window 7 OS and it’s my office machine. Could you please suggest how to get Jupyter up and running?

I’m trying to choose in papersace , but they say have to get back to me,
beacaue it’s unavilable in my account and I have to tell them why.

do I have to enter billing details ahead?

Does anyone now how to change the color scheme on paperspace? The dark background color hurts my eyes and I can hardly make out the grey texts from the black background…

You can connect to your Paperspace machine via SSH in Putty, there you can adjust the colour scheme of the console or use templates like the following:

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I am currently having the same issue did your issue ever get resolved?

I’m trying to choose in papersace. I specify that I want to use, but I do not receive an answer to be able to configure the machine. Can someone tell me what I should do?


They approve within in a day.

Does anyone know what is the average billing in paperspace for a month for the course part 1?

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Good idea, thanks!

Thank you so much for posting this fix! Every google search related to this issue led to the config file but none of the suggested edits actually fixed the problem. Your suggested config is the only one that worked for me. I think building the jupyter config file in the set up process might have helped avoid this issue.

For anyone using nano, paste in the edits, Ctrl-X exit, enter Yes when prompted to save.

Any one looking for a promo code-

VIBNRQH :slight_smile:

I had this issue due to the “vimium” extension, so I disabled it and it worked.

Yes, just run this in your terminal:

ssh paperspace@myip

Hi there guys,

My referral code is MHG4T8P

Here’s my referral code: MWZI1OR

Try: watch jeremy’s video carefully and try to repeat every keystroke(in a manner of speaking)
Try: run jupyter notebook on your own computer to figure out how it works; I have Ubuntu+anaconda and do most of my code testing/learning/figuring out on my computer

I did not find any problems in the screenshot you have pasted…its working fine

I installed fast ai library like jeremy shows in the video and setup paperspace like in the video. Does that work?

This is a major buzzkill and is imo worth noting in the setup instructions.

FYI: got approval after four hours.

Thank you for this solution. I was getting really frustrated with not being able to connect to paperspace after the initial setup.
Booting up the machine through the settings button solved it for me.

Been waiting for more than a day for approval to access template and am still waiting. Is this expected, just to get an approval to the template ?