So been googling this all night. There are no kaggle pages that look like the ones on the "fix ‘No Internet Connection’ " blog posts and third party help pages. Has kaggle had a site-prettify project and removed these pages?
Is is a setting that does not matter any more? How do you make it work? I can not find the web page on kaggle with the setting. Just not there, does not even look the same. Any comments?
trying this on my local machine I struggled with duckduckgo_search not found. I worked through about 6-7 different ‘solutions’ no luck.
Shut the local server down, moved it to a new directory, fired in up, passes that bit, now stuck on ‘ddg_images’ deprecated use DDGS().images() generator.
Is this notebook a bit old/ out of date?
Is there a new starter trouble shooting faq? I can only find really simple / overly general or highly advanced material on kaggle.
Regarding your original post----not sure if this is what you are referring to, but on Kaggle you can click the small “Expand Sidebar” arrow at the bottom:
Thanks for replying, that got around the internet problem.
I had lots of duckduckgo_search unknown or deprecated error, with suggestion to use DDGS().search instead.
Googling I could not find anything like pip install DDGS, but I could find the pip page for duckduckgo_search. The forum had lots of reference to using bing, or rate limiting from duckduckgo, but none of these were the problem.
Eventually the forum had a post from a Kaggle user with a working notebook that worked on my home server and for me on Kaggle.
Here I’m including the full error (in case others are searching):
TimeoutError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[9], line 8
7 socket.setdefaulttimeout(1)
----> 8 socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM).connect((‘’, 53))
9 except socket.error as ex: raise Exception(“STOP: No internet. Click ‘>|’ in top right and set ‘Internet’ switch to on”)
TimeoutError: timed out
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Exception Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[9], line 9
7 socket.setdefaulttimeout(1)
8 socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM).connect((‘’, 53))
----> 9 except socket.error as ex: raise Exception(“STOP: No internet. Click ‘>|’ in top right and set ‘Internet’ switch to on”)
Exception: STOP: No internet. Click ‘>|’ in top right and set ‘Internet’ switch to on