New AI Meetup in SF for fastai Fellows - January 22, 2020

Happy New Year Everyone!

Excited to share with you our new monthly AI Meetup in SF. It is supported by Insight and fastai fellows, and other like-minded AI communities to come together to share and present their work, take part in engaging interactive workshops, collaborate on projects, and network. It will be hosted at Insight every 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Following is this month’s meetup registration link, with the details (mission, vision, structure, presentations and workshops). This 1st Meetup is on January 22nd.

The event is currently shared only with Insight and fastai fellows for first hand registration :slight_smile: as space is limited! As we also plan on sharing it with other AI communities soon, please take a minute to register if you can make it!

Looking forward to seeing you, dear fastai fellows.


This is a fantastic idea especially being an Insight AI alumni. When I was in the program it was amazing to see how many Insight fellows actually used fastai (including myself) and view the tutorials for inspiration and ideas. I would have absolutely loved to listen to Christine Payne and her work at this event, alas I have moved to San Deigo so cannot attend! :sweat:


Over 100 attendees, we are very excited about this! Only a handful of spots are left, would love to have more fastai fellows!
If you think you can make it, please take a minute to register registration link

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