Name 'untar_data' is not defined

Hello all,

I am a complete beginner and I have just started with lesson 1-pets(courses v3) and whenever I execute untar_data Its shows an error. Can you please help me solve this issue or if possible direct me to a possible thread that has already solved this problem

NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
----> 1 help(untar_data)

NameError: name ‘untar_data’ is not defined

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This should help: Untar_data not working: need to import from fastai


thanks a lot Nalini works fine

from import *
will solve this

By the way anyone knowing, about ImageList, where to import from

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from import * works perfect


Thanks Muhammad, That was helpful :slight_smile:

I am able to run lesson1_pets in colab, but I want to run it locally with my macbook pro which has a NVIDIA GPU. As I run through the notebook for lesson 1, I get a name error when I try to run the cell help(untar_data).

I’m using conda version 4.10.3 and it looks like everything is up to date with fastai. When I run conda install -c pytorch -c fastai fastai in a jupyterLab terminal, I get

Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done

# All requested packages already installed.

Anything else to try?