My repo for the code of Coloring Anime project and natural disasters damage levels classifier

If you want to take a look at them, please feel free to do it.

This natural disaster damage level classifier was like a 2 to 3 days project.
Left is the correct label and the right is the prediction.

For the coloring project, it was like a certain character has 500 images but some of the others have only 20 to 10 images. I only spent 4 days to build this project. Building a dataset is really a waste of time, so I did not have time to make it better. But in the future, If I have time I will make it better.

If in the future, you have some interesting projects that involved a satellite image, coloring, and more, please feel free to contact me. In addition, if you know how to pick layer for Resnet for feature loss that is Resnet 50 or above, please tell me too.


Hi JonathanSum hope you are having a terrific day!

Great work!

Cheers mrfabulous1 :smile: :smile: