Multiple coordinates / ImagePoints as input

Hi! I’m trying to train a model on images with multiple coordinates in them and I’m pretty lost on how to do it correctly. I’m creating a digit sequence detector and I have labeled the training images with coordinates of each digit as below:

I tried to replicate the notebook of lesson 3 Head Pose problem, but I have not managed to create a Databunch with multi-coordinate labels. The file names and labels are in a df:

'img'      'tensors'
0000.png    tensor([[63.,58.],[63.,211.],[57.,375.],[74.,501.],[59.,645.],[77.,800.]])
0001.png    tensor([[64.,112.],[56.,418.],[73.,596.]])
...         ...

My below attempt at creating a Databunch gives a warning when given a tensor with multiple coordinates.

def get_label(x):
  vals = df.loc[df['img']]['tensors'].values[0]
  # returns a tensor such as tensor([[64.,112.],[56.,418.],[73.,596.]])
  return vals

data = (PointsItemList.from_folder(path_images)

You can deactivate this warning by passing no_check=True.
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastai/ UserWarning: It’s not possible to collate samples of your dataset together in a batch.
Shapes of the inputs/targets:
[[torch.Size([3, 150, 1000]), torch.Size([3, 150, 1000]), torch.Size([3, 150, 1000]), torch.Size([3, 150, 1000]), torch.Size([3, 150, 1000]), torch.Size([3, 150, 1000]), torch.Size([3, 150, 1000]), torch.Size([3, 150, 1000]), torch.Size([3, 150, 1000]), torch.Size([3, 150, 1000]), torch.Size([3, 150, 1000]), torch.Size([3, 150, 1000]), torch.Size([3, 150, 1000]), torch.Size([3, 150, 1000]), torch.Size([3, 150, 1000]), torch.Size([3, 150, 1000])], [torch.Size([2, 2]), torch.Size([8, 2]), torch.Size([7, 2]), torch.Size([2, 2]), torch.Size([7, 2]), torch.Size([4, 2]), torch.Size([7, 2]), torch.Size([3, 2]), torch.Size([4, 2]), torch.Size([3, 2]), torch.Size([4, 2]), torch.Size([3, 2]), torch.Size([6, 2]), torch.Size([2, 2]), torch.Size([7, 2]), torch.Size([2, 2])]]

The dataloader works perfectly fine when only one of the coordinates is given and not the full list, so I’m doing something wrong with formatting of the input values. Below I have modified the label function to only return the first coordinates and it gives no error.

def get_label(x):
  vals = df.loc[df['img']]['tensors'].values[0][0]
  # returns a tensor such as tensor([64.,112.])
  return vals

data = (PointsItemList.from_folder(path_images)


Any ideas what I’m missing? Thanks a bunch!

Hi @eljas1 (ping @sgugger)
I’m having the exact same problem. Did you ever manage to fix it?
Thanks for any help!

Unfortunately not. I had to come up with a manual workaround for the original problem, basically comparing the pixel values at specific locations of the image.