Anyone from Montreal here?
What are your thoughts about organizing a local study group?
Anyone from Montreal here?
What are your thoughts about organizing a local study group?
Hello, I am living in Montreal, and I’d be interested
Do you want to meet up some time next weekend and discuss?
Hey everyone,
I’m hosting this Coffee & Code meetup tomorrow morning with Les Pitonneux, feel free to join if it fits your schedule: https://www.meetup.com/pitonneux/events/txgzvpyxnbfc/
I also found this existing Fast.AI study group, they meet on Thursday evenings and I’ll be there too (ML and Deep Learning study group): https://www.meetup.com/Machine-Learning-Social-Hack-Nights/events/bsgkxpyxnbhc/
Hey guys, I’m in Montreal too. @toyb0_x I’ll be at the Meetup tomorrow
Cool! Looking forward to it
Hey, I’m also in Montreal. To bad that I missed your post Roberta, I sat alone in an other downtown cafe this morning. Next time!
We’ll also be attending this meetup on Thursday https://www.meetup.com/Machine-Learning-Social-Hack-Nights/events/bsgkxpyxnbhc/
See you next time, or else perhaps Thursday evening?
Hello, I just started a discussion thread on fastai study groups to gather feedbacks from the organizers and participants in order to list the best practices and also to avoid some gaps.
You will find more information in this post. Thank you if you can take a few minutes to participate in the topic