For inspiration, this thread is to highlight examples of machine learning progress in the real world, both practical and demonstration. Although we might not individually be able to replicate the million dollar projects of Google, Tesla & OpenAI, perhaps there can be discussion on replicating smaller projects, or scaled down versions of the big projects.
As a starter, here is a channel of prolific examples. Perhaps a particular one appeals to you?
Tip… try watching videos at 2x speed - you learn twice as much. Work your way up… our personal neural net adapts fairly fast. I use this extension in Chrome… (Disclaimer: Most other people will think you are weird.)
Also, I quite often see references leading to Mark Tech Post. Here is how they describe themselves:
Marktechpost is a California-based AI News Platform providing
easy-to-consume, byte size updates in machine learning, deep learning,
and data science research.
One more thing I tried recently is Alpha Signal newsletter. They rank papers using some ML algorithm and send you a summary. (Note that it has both free and paid versions.)
Though, as was mentioned, Twitter seems to be the greatest source of information. Just need to build a proper feed. I have only a few subscriptions and still getting plenty of interesting links, projects, papers, etc.