Congratulations Sanyam for becoming a speaker…(here’s the link to check it out and thanks for referring me as your Mentor …(that’s not even partly true, rather it’s the other way round)
But the truth is Everyone can only mentor themselves, mentoring others isn’t possible in today’s world until and unless you have sheer interest and willing to learn something…
Hello everyone,
I am from Kolkata, India currently pursuing Bachelors in Information Technology (B.Tech in I.T. 3rd year)(undergraduate student ). I first experimented with machine learning in late 2016. Since then I have done the CNN course by Stanford(CS-231N) , Machine Learning by Andrew NG(CS-229), (ML/DL ) and other online courses from Udacity, Udemy, Coursera etc. Going through Kaggle kernels and Medium posts is my daily job now…(a noob Kagglers though)…
In short , completely self taught from wonderful resources available online…
Currently attending the Open Data Science ( course taught by Yorko(Russian Professor but the course is in English for the 1st Time) to strengthen my ML understanding as well…(it’s worth solving the assignments weekly.)
(incase you are interested to join search for Yorko on GitHub and find the repository mlcourse_open)
Had been the part of International fellowship part1v2(PyTorch) and lucky enough to get in for the second time.
Thanks to ML course, I had secured a 3rd place in a Hackathon on
Looking forward to do some exciting projects in this course as well and learn a ton of things!
Thanks to Jeremy , Rachel , USF and all fellowmates
I am very much excited and looking forward to have a great course with you all.
You can find me on LinkedIn, Twitter
Best Regards,
Aditya Soni.