May Study Group for Part 2

Hey guys! I’m starting a study group to start May 1st and finish all of part 2 by the end of June!
This is going to be a group of highly motivated individuals who are willing to commit an hour every day to completing a lesson. If you’re interested, join the GroupMe

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Hi Michael

I am a beginner to this course, and have been jumping around course 1/2 both, but now I’ve decided to fully concentrate on finishing Part 1 and later start/finish Part 2.

Is this group open for Part 1 as well?

sure thing! Feel free to join!

Sorry, new message, I misread! I am more or less through Part 1, would be happy to join you on Part 2.

looks interesting

is anyone starting new study group?
Interested in joining !!!

Hi everyone, I would also be interested in joining the study group. I’m currently finishing the 1st part.
If anyone wants to form a group, please consider me and/or contact me.

Hi Everyone, I just started this course and am on first chapter. Excited to finish this course with everyone!