Setting up a thread to put in any Mac specific things that is needed when you do the course on a Mac machine. The first thing that I want to notify is when I wanted to copy the aws scripts into my bash on my home folder in Mac it was not .bashrc. The following steps are needed to do this on Mac
Pls add scripts from setup folder to your root folder on Mac
In your bash_profile on root or home folder add “source” in the last line
Now you don’t have to run source as such every time. You can straight away run it from the prompt with alias or aws-get-p2 or any of those commands
Welcome to the deep learning course. I am having a lot of fun learning this and I hope you do too. In my case I only copied in the source But you could go ahead and copy all of them in the root folder. Mainly go to your bash_profile in your root folder to add “source” in the last line.
Yes /Users/MyName is the root folder. And you can add it to the file after your “reset”. Please check if it is working if you do source from your terminal directly. In my case it worked very well. But I added the same to bash_history after I set up the AWS using the Is your aws t2 setup already?
Hi Vijay, thank for your post. I don’t seem to have a “bash_profile” in my root folder. I am trying to run the “” from “Users/XX/Downloads” but is not working (though did work). Thank you!
Thank you, nothing happens. It’s as if the script is not running properly. I created one in Xcode as the one in Github couldn’t be used with wget.
I did add a line to the “bash_profile” that is sitting in the root folder.
This is the script that I have, it’s very weird:
Ok. Lets check a few things now. Have you created the AWS instance already and then using the scripts to connect to the instance that you have? Have you completed the aws config already in your terminal? Do let me know to proceed further.
Thank you!
Yes, just completed and I have an instance running.
This is what it looks like:
All done. Find all you need to connect in the fast-ai-commands.txt file and to remove the stack call
Connect to your instance: ssh -i /Users/jbarrigapartarrieu/.ssh/aws-key-fast-ai.pem Jorges-MBP:~ jbarrigapartarrieu$ bash Jorges-MBP:~ jbarrigapartarrieu$ aws-start
An error occurred (InvalidParameterCombination) when calling the StartInstances operation: No instances specified Jorges-MBP:~ jbarrigapartarrieu$ aws-stop
An error occurred (InvalidParameterCombination) when calling the StopInstances operation: No instances specified
Jorges-MBP:~ jbarrigapartarrieu$