I ran through the scripts here to build the ULMFit
model described in the recent paper.
Now I’m trying to load
the classifier
and run prediction on the IMDb
dataset to confirm the results. And unfortunately, there is no script for loading
or evaluating
the model.
So I tried to build my own using relevant pieces from the scripts as well as from the imdb.ipynb
notebook. However, when I do so, my accuracy
comes out to ~50%. Below is the code snippet I’ve used.
import pickle
from os.path import join
import numpy as np
# this data was generated from `imdb_scripts`
PATH = "data/nlp_clas/imdb/"
# load vocabulary lookup
itos = pickle.load(open(join(PATH, 'tmp/itos.pkl'), 'rb'))
vs = len(itos)
# load data
test_data = np.load(join(PATH, "tmp/val_ids.npy"))
test_data = np.squeeze(test_data)
test_lbls = np.load(join(PATH, "tmp/lbl_val.npy"))
test_lbls = np.squeeze(test_lbls)
# build a TextDataset
from fastai.text import TextDataset
test_dataset = TextDataset(test_data, test_lbls)
# build a SortSampler
from fastai.text import SortSampler
test_sampler = SortSampler(test_data, key=lambda x: len(test_data[x]))
# build a DataLoader
from fastai.dataloader import DataLoader
test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, BATCH_SIZE, transpose=True, num_workers=1, pad_idx=1, sampler=test_sampler)
# build a TextData instance
from fastai.nlp import TextData
md = TextData(PATH, None, test_loader)
# build the classifier (exactly as it was in train_clas.py)
from functools import partial
from fastai.learner import optim
opt_fn = partial(optim.Adam, betas=(0.8, 0.99))
bptt = 70 # back propogation through time
em_sz = 400 # size of embeddings
nh = 1150 # size of hidden
nl = 3 # number of layers
dps = np.array([0.4,0.5,0.05,0.3,0.4])
import torch
from fastai.lm_rnn import get_rnn_classifer
model = get_rnn_classifer(
em_sz*3, # three layers of 1200, but then where does nh=1150 come in?
50, # just like an intermediate compression layer? Why 50?
c # number of total labels
drops=[dps[4], 0.1],
model.eval # just to make sure dropout is being applied
# build an RNN_Learner
from fastai.nlp import RNN_Learner
from fastai.core import to_gpu
from fastai.nlp import TextModel
learner = RNN_Learner(
models=TextModel(to_gpu(model)), # not sure why this is required
learner.model.eval # just to make sure dropout is being applied
# Can't use `TextData.get_model()` because it expects self.c but then doesn't allow me to add it when I instantiate
# learner = md.get_model(
# opt_fn=opt_fn,
# max_sl=20*70,
# bptt=bptt,
# emb_sz=em_sz,
# n_hid=nh,
# n_layers=nl,
# dropout=[dps[4], 0.1],
# )
# load saved weights
import torch
loaded_weights = torch.load(join(PATH, "models/fwd_clas_1.h5"))
# confirmed that the new parameters match those of the loaded model
for k,v in loaded_weights.items():
print(k, np.all(v == learner.model.state_dict()[k]))
# get predictions
preds_dist, preds = learner.predict_with_targs()
# prepare for accuracy measurement
preds = preds.flatten()
golds = learner.data.val_y
def get_accuracy(preds, golds):
correct_num = np.where(preds == golds)[0].shape[-1]
return float(correct_num) / golds.shape[-1]
print(get_accuracy(preds, golds))
# 0.49848
Any feedback on where I have made a mistake (presumably in loading) would be greatly appreciated.