Link to recorded lesson?


will you provide a link to the recorded lesson shortly after the live session here in this part of the forum?
Otherwise I would record the lesson, if that is ok, because it will be in the middle of the night for us europeans and therefore I think most of us will not be able to watch it live.

Thanks in advance!



for part 1 the ‘raw’ video was available with the same link immediately after the live stream ended. after a couple of days the edited video was available. not sure how Jeremy finds enough time in a day to do all he does :slight_smile: there is a rumor he is an AI and not a human :slight_smile:

edit: there will be a bunch of us from Europe watching live. join us! it’s fun :slight_smile:


Yeah! (I’m from India) but we have a little side-chat going on inside of our TWiMLAI slack. It’s almost like in high school where Jeremy would be teaching and we’re the backbenchers having a little chat. It’s a lot of fun! :smiley:


hey friends, for those of us following the lesson online from around the world, where and when will the link to follow tomorrow’s lesson be published? thank you :wink:

It will be here in the forums I assume. As it was for part 1 :slight_smile:

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What’s the link to access the videos live ?!

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For each lesson there’s an ‘Lesson official resources and updates’ thread on the forums, and the link is always at the top. See example from Part 1 of the course here Lesson 3 official resources and updates ✅

EDIT: They usually create the thread right before the lesson. At the time of writing there isn’t one for Lesson 1 of Part 2.