Leveraging bias / unbalanced data in production

So we often discuss how to avoid bias and how to deal with unbalanced training data.

But what if we are in a scenario where bias is expected in production and does not create ethical issues ?

For example, for a vegetable classifier in a supermarket, if we have stats about purchase history, it’s probably something we could leverage without ethical concerns and which should improve accuracy, in particular when the model is uncertain.

Are there best practices to achieve this? A few ideas that come to mind:

  • naive approach: weighted average between the prediction and class frequency in production, then take the argmax. With a small weight to frequencies it should be enough to “flip” low confidence predictions

  • Same but as a final layer in the model, with weights being learnable parameters.

  • Similar to normalization for regression, we could normalize our 1 hot encoded target vectors by the class frequency. This way the model learns the deviation from the average frequency of classes.

Do you know any papers or resources addressing this?

Here’s a couple of relevant papers:

Milan Sulc and Jiri Matas: Improving CNN classifiers by estimating test-time priors

Saerens, M., Latinne, P., Decaestecker, C. Adjusting the outputs of a classifier to new a Priori probabilities: A simple procedure.

Zachary C. Lipton, Yu-Xiang Wang, Alex Smola: Detecting and Correcting for Label Shift with Black Box Predictors

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