Lesson 8 (2019) discussion & wiki

That makes sense, I see how it is used now. Thanks Rachel!

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For anyone whoā€™s interested in what Jeremy is doing right now (implementing a neural net from scratch, following the PyTorch style API of creating modules etc.),

you might find this excellent course from Andrej Karpathy (whoā€™s now the Director of AI at Tesla) very useful.

It really gives you the nitty gritties and gets your hands dirty.

Plus, itā€™s Andrej!
So, why not :grin:

Highly Reccommended


I was reading The Matrix Calculus You Need For Deep Learning the other day, minor issue but there seems like a subscript missing in section The gradient with respect to the weights?

confused me for quit a while

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Thanks! great class.

Great lesson ! Quite a bit to think about until next week :slight_smile: Thanks to the fastai team !

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probably a transpose

Eh, I realize with an answer earlier that it shouldnā€™t have worked, but yet it did. Iā€™ll need to double check tomorrow why.

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Great class. Thank you for opening this up to us!

For those who donā€™t have the link to the paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.01528

thanks to @PierreO who pointed out that it can also be found more directly here: https://explained.ai/matrix-calculus/index.html#sec6.1

Adding onto this and Paulā€™s reply, I find myself refactoring problems into the data In/Out paradigm of normal deep learning ā€“ and this is for robotics, one of the main focuses of RL.

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Would be fun to try to code everything we learned today in swift

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This class was quite the fire hose - seems to be a lot more advanced than just the next lesson after lesson 7.


Is there a good way to watch mean/std of layers as your network trains over batches/epochs? Iā€™m guessing probably yes with tensorboard and callbacks? If anyone has any hints/direction on this, would be super helpful.

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iirc, FastAIā€™s ActivationStats callback does exactly this.


RNNā€™s does not commonly use batch norm, so this initialization might just help a lot.

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Great first lesson :smiley:

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@sgugger, Iā€™m not sure if this was mentioned in the discussion but the bug that Jeremy found in pytorch seems to be a bug introduced during refactoring. The commit that introduced this change was supposed to only add documentation and a bit of refactoring so it wasnā€™t done knowingly.

Here is the commit for bug #6906:

btw. Could git commit messages work as a way to reference why a change was introduced as Jeremy stated?

It is easy to access them in VSCode:


Really enjoyed this first class, and the direction this 2nd half is going!

Why is the call function defined as a magic method inside the Model class, and not as a regular method ? I think correlates with the forward() in pytorch. Please, correct me if Iā€™m wrong in the usage of some terminologies.

class Model():
    def __init__(self, w1, b1, w2, b2):
        self.layers = [Lin(w1,b1), Relu(), Lin(w2,b2)]
        self.loss = Mse()
    def __call__(self, x, targ):
        for l in self.layers: x = l(x)
        return self.loss(x, targ)
    def backward(self):
        for l in reversed(self.layers): l.backward()

Looking at the PyTorch.Tensor docs .clone() seems to do something more interesting than just making a copy with .copy().
Appears that the cloned tensor becomes part of the original computation graph in addition to the original, which could be good/bad.
Would .copy() be a safer bet?