Hi sabzo I hope you are having a truly wonderful day!
I found your post interesting, informative and inciteful.
Given that the points you mention have occurred through out history to some degree, when ever new technology has been deployed from such simple technologies as guns and steel and other factors https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guns,_Germs,_and_Steel.
Is it almost inevitable that with probably the greatest technology that man has created so far, (when I say greatest, I mean none of the other technologies I am aware of had the ability to out perform a human mentally). The impact of any atrocities or beautiful wonders committed with the use of this technology will be on a scale relative to the power of that technology?
Also having traveled to 58 different countries in my life my target is 150. I have met many people who I perceived as ethical (I have to be careful not to be biased) but I don’t believe I have been to any culture or country that is ‘totally ethical’ what ever that may mean.
Is it actually possible for humans to be totally ethical given that our emotional state changes from moment to moment.
One of the consistent themes I see across the world is the constant tussle between opposing sides on any subject you can think of and the quest, for things which could come under the headings of Wealth health, Love and Survival.
The other thing I have noticed in my travels is governments, companies and organizations don’t do great things but individuals who are prepared to suffer are the people who do great things.
In terms of ethics the two things I fear most are, the ethics of how technology is used and the ethics of all organizations of all shapes and sizes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_True_Believer
Cheers mrfabulous1