Hi, I’m working on the tabular notebook for Lesson 4, using the “A Waiter’s Tips” dataset from Kaggle to predict the tip a waiter will receive based on factors such as the gender of a patron, time of day, day of the week, party size, etc. , and my accuracy rate is exactly 0.
I did have to make my own accuracy
function, as the default one threw the following error:
Following the advice on this fast.ai forum thread, I defined a new function accuracy_long
as follows (identical to the default, but with .long()
appended to the targs
def accuracy_long(input:Tensor, targs:Tensor)->Rank0Tensor:
n = targs.shape[0]
input = input.argmax(dim=-1).view(n,-1)
targs = targs.view(n,-1).long()
return (input==targs).float().mean()`
Since the issue is with the accuracy and I had to define my own accuracy function, that seems a likely culprit, but I have no idea how to debug it.
Here’s the notebook, and for further diagnostics, here’s a look at a batch of data:
Result of learn.fit(1, 1e-2)
I tried running learn.lr.find()
and plotting:
I would sincerely appreciate any tips!