Lesson 4 - Official Topic

It does not need to be (quite the opposite, it needs to be great when the model performs badly). The log of things between 0 and 1 is negative, so we take the opposite to make it positive.

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why does PyTorch have 2 version of the same thing - like a class nn. and a functional F. version ? Historical reason ?

I think nn. is a class and F. is a function

You can hook into the classes. This allows you to run code based on a layer’s forward or backward pass.


Just to clarify, we have covered notebooks 01, 02, 04 and part of 05. We didn’t cover notebook 03 (ethics) which I am assuming it will be cover next week (based on what Jeremy just mentioned).

It was covered last week.

got it fixed :slight_smile: should we write the change? or?

Last week is next week, shhhhh :wink:


Jeremy talking about #Masks4All, love this. So much good work here. I will get back to talking on the Discord thread with some of the organizers there to help out with the lobbying effort.

There is a comprehensive answer on the Pytorch forums. The short of it is that nn modules have states and attributes, whereas F functionals simply perform operations.


hey @mario_carrillo, 3rd notebook was covered last week, you will find lecture and the ethics notebook cover more or less the same thing.
stay safe :slight_smile:

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A few of us are also daring each other on twitter to show off the home-made masks using #Masks4allchallenge, I invite you to take the challenge too :smiley:


Maybe https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/what-is-the-difference-between-torch-nn-and-torch-nn-functional/33597

I think that is actually part of the book :slight_smile: and it should be kept as it is.
It is just to show what can go wrong if you don’t Resize

Thank you another great class!

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Can the preprinted.org link be shared please ?

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Sorry. Preprints.


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“What’s the point of doing things if it doesn’t lead to anything” - add to things Jeremy says!

(context: “as Data Scientists we have a responsibility to study the data and do something about it.”)