Lesson 4 In-Class Discussion

Jeremy just mentioned during the live stream that you can adjust dropout per layer and how you do this by passing an array in for ps, like so: learn = ConvLearner.pretrained(arch, data, ps=[0.,0.2], ...)


Has anyone managed to get the Rossman code working in Crestle? Iā€™m getting an SSL error installing feather.

Is binning a common practice to force continuous values into categorical groups?

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Yep, sometimes there are so many categories that itā€™s not practical to use them all ā€¦ especially when there isnā€™t a huge amount of variation between them.

Is it normal to set a column as continuous because itā€™d be more costly to set it as categorical?

Can you double-count a column by using it categorically and continuously?


Just wait ā€¦

Isnā€™t binning a form of feature engineering? If so isnā€™t that kind of counterintuitive to use with deep learning?

I wouldā€™ve considered it normalization and/or part of the process in data prep.


Will we capture the trend along the years when we code the year column as categorical?

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This note helped me a lot:

training, validation, accuracy
0.3, 0.2, 0.92 = under fitting, cycle is too short (cycle_mult=2?)
0.2, 0.3, 0.92 = over fitting

Maybe if you want to do a more general approach yeah, it is counter-intuitiveā€¦ But if you want to win at kaggle competitionsā€¦ haha

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Guessing we cant do data augmentation with structured data?


Is there a difference between using the type Category vs using LabelEncoder from sk-learn ?

@yinterian Why are school holiday and promo in continous var not catagorical ?

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@jeremy Can you add a link to the new paper about binning continuous features you discussed briefly


@arjunrajkumar, I would guess we can, for example, we could change the temperature of the day by a little bit, since it probably wouldnā€™t affect the sales of the day.

Thatā€™s a big assumption :wink:

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Note sure, I would have to look at this data.