Lesson 3 In-Class Discussion ✅

For a dataset very different than imageNet like the satellite images or genomic images mutation points shown in lesson 2, we should use our own stats.

Jeremy once said in the forum:

If you’re using a pretrained model you need to use the same stats it was trained with.

Why it is that? Isn’t it that, normalized dataset with its own stats will have roughly the same distribution like imageNet?
The only thing I can think of, which may differ is skewness:

Is it the possibility of skewness or something else the reason of your statement?

And does that mean you don’t recommend using pretrained model with very different dataset like the one-point mutation that you showed us in lesson 2?

or it is okay to use pretrained model for Genomics images, but we should use imageNet stats? However if it is yes, then the dataset will not be normalized well!