Lesson 2 official topic

Unfortunately I can’t give you a complete answer because I’m encountering the same error locally on a fresh install running either CUDA 11.6 or CUDA 11.7 on a new windows machine. I found a similar looking issue raised on Github which is closed. The fix is not entirely satisfying but might help you move forward.

learn = vision_learner(dls, resnet18, metrics=error_rate)

The issue seems to be related to printing torch.Tensors as in this stack overflow post.

For example, in the 00-is-it-a-bird notebook I needed to type:
print(f"Probability it's a bird: {probs[0].item():.4f}") to print the result correctly instead of:
print(f"Probability it's a bird: {probs[0]:.4f}") as in the course repo.

Hope this helps.

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Also check your version of PyTorch. If it is PyTorch 1.13 then fastai isn’t compatible with this version yet so you’ll need to downgrade to PyTorch 1.12. This resolved the problem for me anyway.


Hello friend

I created a notebook that loads a fine-tuned model which works completely fine in a Colab (Colab link) but throws an error when running it locally.

gradio app.py
AttributeError: Custom classes or functions exported with your `Learner` not available in namespace.\Re-declare/import before loading:
Can't get attribute 'Resampling' on <module 'PIL.Image' from '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PIL/Image.py'>


I’ve been searching in hopes to debug but couldn’t find anything relevant.

How can I fix this error?

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Hello :wave: friends!

I was trying to deploy the model I did in Lesson 1.

I am getting the following error when I git push at last.

I did all the pre-req stuff mentioned in @ilovescience blog, installing git-lfs, etc.

This is the NB I used to create model.pkl and I used the following script in app.py file:

__all__ = ['search_images', 'learn', 'classify_image', 'categories', 'image', 'labels', 'examples', 'intf']

from duckduckgo_search import ddg_images
from fastcore.all import *
from fastdownload import download_url
from fastai.vision.all import *
import gradio as gr

def search_images(term, max_images=30):
    return L(ddg_images(term, max_results=max_images)).itemgot('image')

learn = load_learner('model.pkl')

categories = ('Cheetah', 'Falcon', 'Sailfish')

def classify_image(img):
    pred, idx, probs = learn.predict(img)
    return dict(zip(categories, map(float, probs)))

image = gr.inputs.Image(shape = (192, 192))
labels = gr.outputs.Label()
examples = ['cheetah.jpg', 'falcon.jpg', 'sailfish.jpg']

intf = gr.Interface(fn = classify_image, inputs = image, outputs = label, examples = examples)
intf.launch(inline = False)

Please Help!

Figured this out :grin:! There were some silly mistakes and some git tricks.

Awesome, this fixed the issue. Thanks a lot for the quick and efficient help!

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I had the same issue using Linux (WSL2) and noticed I was indeed on PyTorch 1.13

So – I ran

mamba install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 -c pytorch

to downgrade to 1.12

Restarted jupyter notebook server and re-ran the cells and it fixed the issue, and started training without error


I am having the same problem. I think it’s related to the local programme running on CPU… just a hunch

I believe the latest version of fastai should now work correctly with PyTorch 1.13.

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I deployed my model (Alien vs. Ghost) on Hugging Face Space, and I just had to tweak a little with requirements.txt as previous comments mentioned.

If you receive this error and Hugging Face space stops, update the requirements.txt.

TypeError: Exception occured in `ProgressCallback` when calling event `after_batch`:
	unsupported format string passed to TensorBase.__format__

Hi, a newbie here.
I tried using Jeremy’s website. Apparently none of the images were being viewed and no results were coming.
api link not opening
error in git bash

Other than that, I tried accessing the Hugging Face Spaces through API and it showed “message:internal error”. Ss attached.

Tried opening the ‘Full URL of API endpoint’ on browser https://farzibuilder-local.hf.space/run/predict got detail: Method Not Allowed.

Need help. Is there anything I am missing.

PS:- My model works fine when accessed directly from Hugging Face (Link

This worked for me…

$ curl -X POST https://farzibuilder-tobby.hf.space/api/predict/   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'   -d '{"data": ["Ben"]}'


Thanks Ben! Worked for me too.

Again got stuck. I have made a dog breed classifier and am unable to figure out how to send the Post Request.

Ended up using Postman, where I converted my image to base64 and then put key as “data” and “value” as the base64 value of image.

There I got 'Request-URI too large". Scraped the web, didn’t find a soln. How to solve it?

POST should be sending data in the body, not the url. Hence the Request-URI too large message.

For reference you can see the post constructed in the code. tinypets/1single.html at master · fastai/tinypets · GitHub.

  async function loaded(reader) {
    const response = await fetch('https://hf.space/embed/jph00/pets/+/api/predict/', {
      method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ "data": [reader.result] }),
      headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }

I’m trying to verify the bear images following the notebook line:

failed = verify_images(fns)

And receive the following error:

C:\anaconda\envs\fastai\lib\site-packages\fastcore\parallel.py in parallel(f=<function verify_image>, items=[Path('bears/black/017e8ca5-161b-42db-b9ee-5f55a...teddy/ff82e6ea-518a-456a-9c08-c1da3e112270.jpg')], n_workers=64, total=None, progress=None, pause=0, method=None, threadpool=False, timeout=None, chunksize=1, *args=(), **kwargs={})
    110         if method: kwpool['mp_context'] = get_context(method)
    111         pool = ProcessPoolExecutor
--> 112     with pool(n_workers, pause=pause, **kwpool) as ex:
        pool = <class 'fastcore.parallel.ProcessPoolExecutor'>
        n_workers = 64
        pause = 0
        kwpool = {}
        ex = undefined
    113         r = ex.map(f,items, *args, timeout=timeout, chunksize=chunksize, **kwargs)
    114         if progress and progress_bar:

C:\anaconda\envs\fastai\lib\site-packages\fastcore\parallel.py in __init__(self=<fastcore.parallel.ProcessPoolExecutor object>, max_workers=64, on_exc=<built-in function print>, pause=0, **kwargs={})
     82         self.not_parallel = max_workers==0
     83         if self.not_parallel: max_workers=1
---> 84         super().__init__(max_workers, **kwargs)
        global super.__init__ = undefined
        max_workers = 64
        kwargs = {}
     86     def map(self, f, items, *args, timeout=None, chunksize=1, **kwargs):

C:\anaconda\envs\fastai\lib\concurrent\futures\process.py in __init__(self=<fastcore.parallel.ProcessPoolExecutor object>, max_workers=64, mp_context=None, initializer=None, initargs=())
    521                 max_workers > _MAX_WINDOWS_WORKERS):
    522                 raise ValueError(
--> 523                     f"max_workers must be <= {_MAX_WINDOWS_WORKERS}")
    525             self._max_workers = max_workers

ValueError: max_workers must be <= 61

I understand it has to do with the 64 cores of my CPU and searched the forums + Stackoverflow on how to limit the amount of workers without luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I have some questions from following along with the video for this lesson.

Jeremy shows installing python and mambaforge using a script from fastsetup, then shows installing fastai and nbdev in the same (base) environment. From my very small experience with conda environments, I thought it would be more usual to create a new environment and to install a python version, fastai, jupyterlab, and nbdev in that environment. (In poking around the mamba documentation, I see that it says that only mamba and conda should be installed in the base environment.) Will this work fine either way? Does there need to be a python version in the base environment?

Also, Jeremy mentions installing fastai on a Mac (or Windows or Linux) for doing some things locally as a step in putting an app into production on Hugging Face Spaces. The fastai docs say (on the installation page) that it is not supported on Mac. Is it fine to use it on Mac to run an already trained model? Just not for training a model?

Could the steps shown in that part of the video (I think it’s the section that shows running locally and exporting a python script from a notebook to use in an app) also be done on Kaggle or Colab instead of locally?

Thanks in advance for any help in clearing up my confusion on these points :smiley:

After installing conda/mamba, it’s okay to install packages in the base. There’s really no need to create an environment to install fastai, jupyterlab, and nbdev. And Python 3.10 will be installed in the base environment.

If you can run fastai on Mac, you can deploy it from it.

I haven’t done this part on Kaggle or Colab, but I think it is possible. You can give it a try.


At various times Jeremy has specifically advised beginners to use only the base environment. My general sense was that multiple environments have potential complications that may distract and discourage you. Follow the YAGNI principle and delay using multiple environments until you can recognize its an imperative to your personal situation. This course was my first exposure to conda and I’ve had no issue so far using only the base environment.

Is it fine to use it on Mac to run an already trained model

Whether its pre-trained or not is not the consideration. Its about access to GPU acceleration. I’ve seen some posts about M1 support “getting there”, but more posts of people having trouble. Hopefully someone else with a Mac can advise.
In any case, regardless of local platform Jeremy recommends using cloud services because a local system can have you focussed more on sysadmin than ML.

Could the steps shown in that part of the video (I think it’s the section that shows running locally and exporting a python script from a notebook to use in an app)

:smiley: If you don’t know which part of the video, then I can’t guess! :smiley:
Quick tip, on YouTube you can right click the video to copy a link to a specific time, which makes it easier for readers to advise.

done on Kaggle or Colab instead of locally

Most likely yes.

i just tried to fork jermey’s repo and host it on my own GitHub pages… but it didn’t work as expected
instead, i get a blank page where nothing happens after the upload button. I tried switching his path with my own path. any help appriciated :slight_smile:

repo: GitHub - madhao/tinypets: Minimal JS interface to an image classifer
page: Home | Jeremy Howard
hugging face space: Minima - a Hugging Face Space by Madhao

Am i doing something wrong?

It works when I tried it out.

Maybe try again?