Lesson 18 official topic

Fixing the batchnorm problem, and then removing the line that inits conv2 bn weights to zero, results in all the models I’ve tried so far getting better results.

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I’ve updated the “leaderboard” topic with the latest results now:

Regarding calculating flops for models, I discovered that the fvcore library includes a flop counter for PyTorch models.


What blows my mind watching this : the weights are all initialised from random parameters and they all converge in a few epochs to such a high level of accuracy, not to mention the fully handrolled training loop and model architecture. :exploding_head:


I’m currently in lesson 17 and it’s just excellent! After seeing your comment, I can’t stop myself from watching lesson 18 :smiley:


As Jeremy mentioned, the proposed homework for this lesson was indeed a great learning exercise. I had to review Part 2 to practice what we have been taught about Python, PyTorch and miniai. And it ended being inspired on fastai’s scheduler.

It implements for SchedCos, SchedExp, SchedExpFastai, SchedLin, SchedNo, SchedPoly.
It is also possible to combine schedulers with CombineScheds and has OneCycleSched and FlatCosSched.

Here the notebook:

Lesson 18 homework - Creating schedulers for miniai


Update: I like using the module summary tools included with TorchEval more than the fvcore library. You can convert the markdown table to a Pandas DataFrame to make it easily filterable.

def markdown_to_pandas(table_string):
    rows = table_string.strip().split("\n")
    header = rows[0].split("|")[1:-1]
    header = [x.strip() for x in header]
    data = [row.split("|")[1:-1] for row in rows[2:]]
    data = [[x.strip() for x in row] for row in data]
    return pd.DataFrame(data, columns=header)
test_inp = torch.randn(1, 3, *[train_dataset.size]*2).to(device)
summary_df = markdown_to_pandas(f"{get_module_summary(style_transfer_model, [test_inp])}")
summary_df[(summary_df.index == 0) | (summary_df['Type'] == 'Conv2d')]

Generates to the following table:

Type # Parameters # Trainable Parameters Size (bytes) Contains Uninitialized Parameters? Forward FLOPs Backward FLOPs In size
0 TransformerNet 393 K 393 K 1.6 M No 6.9 G 13.6 G [1, 3, 512, 512]
3 Conv2d 448 448 1.8 K No 113 M 113 M [1, 3, 514, 514]
6 Conv2d 136 136 544 No 33.6 M 67.1 M [1, 16, 512, 512]
11 Conv2d 528 528 2.1 K No 33.6 M 67.1 M [1, 32, 256, 256]
18 Conv2d 36.9 K 36.9 K 147 K No 603 M 1.2 G [1, 64, 130, 130]
22 Conv2d 36.9 K 36.9 K 147 K No 603 M 1.2 G [1, 64, 130, 130]
28 Conv2d 36.9 K 36.9 K 147 K No 603 M 1.2 G [1, 64, 130, 130]
32 Conv2d 36.9 K 36.9 K 147 K No 603 M 1.2 G [1, 64, 130, 130]
38 Conv2d 36.9 K 36.9 K 147 K No 603 M 1.2 G [1, 64, 130, 130]
42 Conv2d 36.9 K 36.9 K 147 K No 603 M 1.2 G [1, 64, 130, 130]
48 Conv2d 36.9 K 36.9 K 147 K No 603 M 1.2 G [1, 64, 130, 130]
52 Conv2d 36.9 K 36.9 K 147 K No 603 M 1.2 G [1, 64, 130, 130]
58 Conv2d 36.9 K 36.9 K 147 K No 603 M 1.2 G [1, 64, 130, 130]
62 Conv2d 36.9 K 36.9 K 147 K No 603 M 1.2 G [1, 64, 130, 130]
66 Conv2d 16.5 K 16.5 K 66.0 K No 268 M 536 M [1, 128, 128, 128]
71 Conv2d 4.2 K 4.2 K 16.6 K No 268 M 536 M [1, 64, 256, 256]
77 Conv2d 435 435 1.7 K No 113 M 226 M [1, 16, 514, 514]

Two new optimisers were recently published Lion (Chen 2023) and dadaptation (Defazio 2023). Both need a bit more epoch to get good results but are very competitive with AdamW.

I had a deeper look at Lion, it is simpler, faster, smaller than Adam or DAdaptAdam.

It exposes a somehow hidden fact that Adam when things go well updates parameters with learning rate ignoring the gradient scale, and lion makes it explicit.
Have a look how easy it is (the code updates only one parameter for simplicity):

def sgd(lr): # for comparison with lion
    def sgd_step(w, g): 
        return w - lr * g
    return sgd_step
def lion(lr=0.1, b1=0.9, b2=0.99):
    lion.exp_avg = 0 # shared state betwen multiple calls to lion_step
    def lion_step(w, g):
        sign = np.sign(lion.exp_avg * b1 + grad * (1 - b1)) # s is 1 or -1
        lion.exp_avg = lion.exp_avg*b2 + (1-b2)*g
        return w - lr * sign 
    return lion_step

@Mkardas made a nice notebook exploring how those optimisers work with one variable I will share it here once we get it polished.


‘fastai native and fused ForEach implementations’ are also available in Benjamin’s (@ bwarner) fastxtend fastxtend - Lion: EvoLved Sign Momentum Optimizer

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Hi all,

Would someone be able to walk through how to calculate the number of parameters for the first layer of the resnet models at about 1h:20m in and 1h:30m in? I went back to the convolutions excel but wasn’t able to piece it together (think I’m having trouble conceptualizing how the resnet addition increases number of params).

I.e. what’s the math to get to 680 params for the first layer of the first example and 6864 params for the first layer of the second example.


@pack765 A simple way to calculate the number of params is ((kernel * ni ) + 1 ) * nf . The demo below might help understand this .

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I’ve written a blog post attempting to explain annealing and an implementation of Cosine Annealing using the LRFinder(). I would appreciate any feedback on how to improve it or the website. https://the-learning-mechanic.github.io :pray:

In case this helps anyone, here’s the code I wrote while figuring out how resnet works. It’s more verbose but hopefully there’s a bit more info in case anyone is stuck.

I recommend reading the forward pass method first then go back and check init.

def noop(x, *args, **kwargs):
    return x

class ResBlock(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, ni, nf, ks=3, stride=2, act=nn.ReLU, norm=None, bias=None):
        # Residual path
        self.convs = _conv_block(ni, nf, ks=ks, stride=stride, act=act, norm=norm, bias=bias)
        # Skip path/ shortcut path
        # Here we just decide what functions need to apply to the input
        # to allow the shapes to work out so that it can be to be added to the
        # output of self.convs / the residual path
        if ni == nf:
            #if the number of input channels = number of output channels, no need to conv the input to math the output from residual path
            self.idconv = noop
            # if not then make the simplest conv that can math input shape to output of residual path
            self.idconv = conv(ni, nf, ks=1, stride=1, act=None)

        if stride == 1:
        # If the residual path does not change the height and width of the image then no need to change height
        # and width of input to allow it to be added at the end
            self.pool = noop
            self.pool = nn.AvgPool2d(2, ceil_mode=True) # not sure why ceil_mode

        self.act = act()
    def forward(self, inp):
        # Calculate residual path
        res = self.convs(inp)

        # Fix shape of skip path
        skip = self.idconv(self.pool(inp)) # no change if ni==nf and stride=1. I wonder - does the order matter i.e. pool first then idconv? Need to check shapes 

        # Apply activation function
        out = self.act(res+skip)# This is the step that needs the idconv and pool ops in case of shape mismatch
        return out
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Hi all,

I wrote a blog about optimizers (SGD, RMSprop, and Adam).

I wanted to graph gradients like how we did with weights, so I used backward hooks. I wanted to implement classes like we did in the course, but they did not work very well for me.

Adam does have more stable gradients than SGD and RMSprop, so it was interesting to look at that. I originally wanted to track other parameters like beta1 and beta2 as well, but I could not figure out how to do that easily. I will probably do it later.

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Hi all,

I don’t understand why the last layer of the resnet model is a nn.BatchNorm1d(10) (in the 13_resnet.ipynb notebook). Why did it change ? Why are we not using softmax here as we used to do ?


Jeremy said using batchnorm works well in the lesson. And we have been using convolutional neural nets, so we haven’t been using softmax.

Thank you for your answer :blush:. My bad I’m following the lecture using another language and got confused. My understanding is that the softmax activation (or similar) is required for the cross entropy loss function and I guess the pytorch one performs the softmax before computing the loss so no need to have this activation in the network.

Hi, I wrote about Resnet in my blog. I went over the paper and wrote the code version.
In the second part, I trained the model using different kinds of convolutional blocks. I also tried using nn.ReLU instead of GeneralReLU we’ve been using. I found out that they both have the same accuracy, but nn.ReLU trained faster. I guess they have the same accuracy because of the batch norm.

I hope this is useful.

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I made a pixel swap data augmentation. it uses the exact same pixels as the original, so the pixel statistics of the images should be preserved (mean and stdev). It is pretty slow since, there is an inner loop in python, so I made it swap blocks of 3x3 to speed it up a bit.

def pixel_swap(xb, nswaps=4):
    nrows = xb[0].shape[-2] - 4
    ncols = xb[0].shape[-1] - 4
    idxs = [(int(random.random()*nrows), int(random.random()*ncols), int(random.random()*nrows), int(random.random()*ncols))
            for _ in range(nswaps)]
    for x in xb:
        for (dtx, dty, stx, sty) in idxs:
            tmp = x[:,dtx:dtx+4, dty:dty+4]
            x[:, dtx:dtx+4, dty:dty+4] = x[:, stx:stx+4, sty:sty+4] 
            x[:, stx:stx+4, sty:sty+4] = tmp
    return xb
class PixelSwap(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, nswaps=4):
        self.nswaps = nswaps
    def forward(self, x): return pixel_swap(x, self.nswaps)

Training after 20 epochs got:

0.941 0.172 19 eval

Which is better than the RandErase example.

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Not sure if its only me but my google colab keeps crashing as System RAM gets full, although GPU RAM stays well below threshold, I have tried lowering batch size and clearing cuda memory often, yet still crashes.

any solutions?