Lesson 1 links to different parts in video

pre break part 2:
- the other thing to mention is that the
faster a library's in a real designed in
a very interesting modular way and
you'll find over time that when you do
use import star there's far less
clobbering of things than you might

[edit] removed rest as this pointed to the old video and made scrolling a pain. I added one for the new video in a secret gist.

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You are awesome man!! thank you so much.

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Post break part 1:
Post break:
so we we've not so hopefully oh great
so where we got to was we just we just
trained a model we don't exactly know
what that involved or how it happened
but we do know that we're three or four
lines of code we've built something
which smashed the accuracy of the

[edit] removed rest as this pointed to the old video and made scrolling a pain. I added one for the new video in a secret gist.

That’s good! Are you using google voice recognition or something to create that transcript? Got a script we can see? :slight_smile:

post break part 2:
but to really get it good you have to
call unfreeze and unfreeze is the thing
that says please train the whole model
and then I can call fit one cycle again
and uh-oh
the error got much worse okay why in
order to understand why we're actually
going to have to learn more about
exactly what's going on behind the
scenes so let's start out by trying to
get an intuitive understanding of what's
going on behind the scenes and again

anyway, these will be redundant soon but are easily re-generated

[edit] removed rest as this pointed to the old video and made scrolling a pain. I added one for the new video in a secret gist.

Just posted this but may get lost since you added more transcript.

If you click the CC button on the video player, it loads youtubes auto-generated transcript.
if you inspect the ajax calls using the inspector you see that it loads an xml file.
that file can be manipulated into markdown or html etc.

  1. In sublime text, enable regex search
  2. replace <s.*?> with empty string (we don’t need that each word is a link)
  3. replace </s> with emptry string
  4. do some more cleaning to get rid of empty lines
  5. replace .*t="(.*?)".*?>(.*)</p> with [${2}](https://youtu.be/7hX8yKCX6xM?t=${1})
  6. replace [0-9][0-9][0-9]\) with ) to get rid of last 3 digits in timestamp.

then you should have a markdown list of linked sentences


Have you seen this hack?

He created a caption and timestamp search tool for fast.ai lecture videos using a few Python scripts and libraries like youtube_dl and webvtt.


That’s awesome.

Re-edited video released! Thanks Jeremy!

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I updated the post so that it links to the edited video and adjusted the times. The post could perhaps be wikified so that people can adjust it if they want. I have found the links useful myself when trying to recap some of the things mentioned.