Anyone else with strong interest in drug discovery and/or applications to chemistry or biology? Shall we for a group?
this is the answer:
conda install -c pytorch -c fastai fastai pytorch-nightly cuda92
Funny thing: The resnet50 example won’t fit on my Titan Xp (12GB). Surprised.
Links on the are not working…
Are we supposed to follow along with the Setup or should we do this afterwards? is working for me.
Not yet, follow the lesson and try do it during the week.
the site is working but if you go to read anything it does not
Githbu being down we add to move them, so:
- make sure you don’t have https instead of htpp
- remove all cache from your browser
- flush you DNS on windows
Hi all, Isn’t CRESTLE an option anymore??
amazon EC2 link is broken
Not yet, but we’ll add them soon. They have some issues but we hope they’ll work next week.
Yes, I agree with OP. It’s a little hard to see in the back. Actually, it’s unreadable in the back. I’d have to read on my laptop, and, well, battery power
I have already setup my desktop with a modest GPU in it and pytorch, fastai libraries installed. Can I use that for the exercises? Is there a way to run a quick sanity check as to whether all the required libraries are installed properly?
Are GCP/AWS credits available to the people watching remotely?
replace ‘dlami’ in the link with ‘aws’.
MS Azure is not recommended?
github broke last night, hence the issues with the websites.