Lesson 1 DataLoader does not contain any batches

Moving through the notebook for Lesson 1, I was unable to retrieve image files from DDG using the duckduckgo_search.ddg_images function (returns ‘403 Forbidden’ error).

To solve this problem, I installed and used an alternative search function kindly posted elsewhere on this forum:

from fastbook import search_images_ddg

def search_images(term, max_images=1):
    print(f"Searching for '{term}'")
    # old function
    #return L(ddg_images(term, max_results=max_images)).itemgot('image')
    # new function
    return search_images_ddg(term, max_images=max_images)

This solution works well (perhaps unrelated to current error).
However, upon using the DataBlock class, I have not been able to solve the following error:

searches = 'forest','bird'
path = Path('bird_or_not')
from time import sleep
for o in searches:
    dest = (path/o)
    dest.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
    download_images(dest, urls=search_images(f'{o} photo'))
    sleep(3)  # Pause between searches to avoid over-loading server
    download_images(dest, urls=search_images(f'{o} sun photo'))
    download_images(dest, urls=search_images(f'{o} shade photo'))
    resize_images(path/o, max_size=400, dest=path/o)

failed = verify_images(get_image_files(path))

dls = DataBlock(
    blocks=(ImageBlock, CategoryBlock), 
    splitter=RandomSplitter(valid_pct=0.2, seed=42),
    item_tfms=[Resize(192, method='squish')]

I’ve tried a bunch of things. I removed the item_tfms and bs parameters. I’ve tried setting dataloaders parameter create_batches=True. Nothing looks weird using the debugger. I think maybe this error stems from the dataloader inability to create a “batch” from the input provided from get_image_files function, but not sure.
I have the standard docker environment plus the ddg api installed:

Not sure what else to try.
Any suggestions appreciated. Thank you.

I think the issue is that you seem to have only 10 images (after Collecting items from bird_or_not it prints Found 10 items) whereas your batch size is 32 (.dataloaders(path, bs=32, verbose=True)). I would recommend downloading at least a couple hundred images to see good training results, or if you just want to make sure your DataLoaders works with this current dataset, set bs=1 and see if it creates batches.

Yes, you’re correct. If I set the bs parameter directly to the number of images per set, the error resolves. Perhaps the default data loader class batch size should be set to something like an optional division of len(input_files), i.e. bs=1, n_batches=floor(len(input_files)/bs).

Much appreciated @vbakshi !

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