Latest version of fastai isn't showing for me

Hi, long story short, when I try to update fastai through conda/miniconda on Ubuntu WSL2, it says everything is up-to-date

I ran few commands to get more info

> conda --version

conda 23.11.0

> conda list | grep -E "fastai|torch" 

fastai 2.7.12 py_0 fastchan
pytorch 2.0.1 py3.10_cuda11.8_cudnn8.7.0_0 fastchan
pytorch-cuda 11.8 h7e8668a_5 pytorch
torchvision 0.15.2 py310_cu118 fastchan

> conda search fastai
# Name                       Version           Build  Channel
fastai                        1.0.61               1  fastchan
fastai                        2.1.10            py_0  fastchan
fastai                         2.6.3            py_0  fastchan
fastai                         2.7.1            py_0  fastchan
fastai                         2.7.2            py_0  fastchan
fastai                         2.7.3            py_0  fastchan
fastai                         2.7.4            py_0  fastchan
fastai                         2.7.5            py_0  fastchan
fastai                         2.7.7            py_0  fastchan
fastai                         2.7.8            py_0  fastchan
fastai                         2.7.9            py_0  fastchan
fastai                        2.7.10            py_0  fastchan
fastai                        2.7.11            py_0  fastchan
fastai                        2.7.12            py_0  fastchan

I can’t see latest version 2.7.13

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I had to do conda install -c fastai fastai instead of conda install -c fastchan fastai anaconda then instead latest compatible version of cuda pytorch with
conda install pytorch==2.1.2 torchvision==0.16.2 torchaudio==2.1.2 pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia