Language: best practices - datasets for text classification

We are applying the Lesson 4 language module to our individual problems and solving various issues related to creating the text classification dataset.


These are the three methods we have found that can be used to convert text from various formats into a dataset.

I have implemented the Python based method described in the medium article. How do I share my notebook here?

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One way to share a notebook is to upload it to GitHub and provide a link.

@surmenok yes, figuring out how to use github, and with gist, preferably…almost there…:slight_smile:

my notebook is here:
didn’t get gist to work yet.

Regarding your issues stated in Readme:

  1. entire sentences are showing up as a word; individual words are not being seperated
  2. need to isolate title, author, affiliation, figure captions etc fields from the extracted text

For 1, I think the issue is in line 7 (not line 14). I used a different approach and it seems work. Now, you should be able to torkenize it at text level.

For 2, I think you can get all the paper information (title, author, etc) via the repository API. I got the title and summary via arXiv API before with few lines of code.

Hope this help. :slight_smile:

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Thanks @Moody. This is very helpful. In line 4 how did you get the .txt file of the .pdf paper?

I used the to convert your pdf into .txt file. There are few symbols they cannot convert. But, I think you can add extra Unicode for special symbols.

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turns out textract itself can extract the text from pdf. no need to use pyPDF2.
saved the new notebook as rev 2 at

The idx creation process from jeremy’s notebook is the tokenization? Need to review the lesson again.

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I am having trouble pip installing textract . It requires something called swig to be installed. But when installing swig I get the following error:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement swig (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for swig
Please tell me how to tackle these problems…
Thanks in advance…:grinning:

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@Vishucyrus, I had similar issues (swig and sphinx) when trying to install on my local machine. I had ubuntu 14.04 + anaconda on a chromebook. Searching through the stack exchange etc forums, it seemed like the conflicts were with various versions of the anaconda, python etc. I thought I also saw an error msg regarding low memory or disk space. What is your configuration?

When I ran the same commands on my paperspace machine everything worked perfectly.

The instructions are here:

Also, I think textract is using optical character recognition, so it may not be the final solution but works for now.

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Thanks… @sandip . The problem was in libpulse-dev package. I installed it and everything then came in order.

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This is how I got the loop to batch process multiple files to work. It does convert all the pdf files in the folder into txt files, but saves them in the root directory.
I think I need to use the open(os.path.join) thing to pass in the destination directory but haven’t figured out how to do it yet. Any pointers? Here is the original suggestion:


I am thinking this will help with extracting ( I need to remove or save them separately from the text of the manuscript) the title, author, affiliation, figure caption, bibliography etc fields from the papers.

How do I get started? Download the source code using wget? then what?

This thread has other suggestions as well: