Hello everyone,
I followed the code of L10 to train and to fine-tune my own nlp classifier. Everything was going well and I had a low val_loss (~0.2) without overfitting.
Now I want to classify the texts without labels, but I don’t know how.
I followed the same process to build TextDataset for test set, but the problem is that TestDataset requires texts and labels in order to build a dataset. However we don’t have any label for the test set data (That’s why we put it into a test set).
It seems that the function learn.predict does give the result on test set by setting is_test=True.
So how to build the TextDataset for test set without labels, In order to put it into ModelData, and then give the results by calling learn.predict(is_test=True).
Maybe this question is stupid to ask, if I create null labels (or labels = 0) for the whole test set, is there any bad effect to train the learner.
Thanks in advance.