Jeremy's Harebrained install guide

Is it recommended to use the development snapshot nightly versions over the release Swift for Tensorflow versions available here, or does it not matter whichever is used?

It depends on your goal. The course used the old 0.4 toolchain. But the master branch of swiftai is on par with the nightlies.

After following the steps mentioned, I installed swift env in GCP and the kernel reflected with Swift. But when I open a swift notebook from tutorials I get the following error message.

Just reporting that I managed to do this, too! I’ve basically no experience with Linux let alone installing stuff on it, so it took a while. For other newbies also running into problems, I had to make these changes to Jeremy’s full gist, but that’s probably because some errors on my part:

  • Used pip3 instead of pip everywhere, as the latter wasn’t installed
  • Added ~/anaconda3/bin to PATH (and ~/.bashrc) manually to be able to run conda
  • Created these directories manually before line 67: /usr/local/cuda/include and /usr/local/cuda/lib64
  • On line 93, I couldn’t get conda install -c pytorch -c fastai fastai pytorch to work because of an UnsatisifableError, so I ran conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch instead, but dunno if that was very clever :smiley:
  • Copied the swift-jupyter kernelspec json output by at the very end manually to ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/myswift/kernel.json, as the kernel wasn’t listed with jupyter kernelspec list
