Issue regarding jupyter notebook and paperspace setup

I am a newbie, and I am finding issues in setting up jupyter notebook.
According to the link “
I did all the neccesary work.
and at the step, ‘conda env update’, got updated and got some error like this:
“Cannot remove entries from nonexistent file /home/paperspace/anaconda3/envs/fastai/lib/python3.6/site-packages/easy-install.pth”

“CondaValueError: pip returned an error.”

Then I continued further, and launched the jupyter notebook and again got an issue, with jupyter notebook opening, replacing the url part with the IP address.
Then the URL, wont open and page displays error “This site can’t be reached”.
This above procedure is all after I used ‘conda env update’ command.

The above method was on a different machine and below with another machine.

Before I used that command ‘conda env update’, Jupyter notebook has opened but still an error in jupyter notebook stating
" Important: This notebook will only work with fastai-0.7.x. Do not try to run any fastai-1.x code from this path in the repository because it will load fastai-0.7.x " and I am following the course of 2018, maybe the older version. I have read all the forums, but couldn’t find the solution.

Let me know, if anyone could help with this,
