IPython Notebook on a remote server with tmux

Hello All,

I’m working on AWS to train some networks, I’ve prepared the notebooks to run remotely, I run the jupyter server on the remote machine inside a tmux session, and connect to IPython through my local browser.

The problem is that i have some internet connectivity problems, so sometimes the internet gets disconnected, and after that i can follow what happened in the training, and many hours would be wasted,

Does anyone know any workaround to be able to reconnect to the same ipython notebook and see its results? or the only way to run the code from a script inside tmux ? so as to be able that it’ll still be running even if the connections is lost?

Thank you, and i do really appreciate your support

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Yeah that sucks :frowning: You really need to use a script in that case, I’m afraid. Or use Paperspace, since they have an in-browser desktop that runs continuously.


I am curious. What is the issue?

  1. When you connect back, you no longer have access to the notebook OR
  2. After re-connecting, you do no see updates to the notebooks (e.g new print statements to screen)?

This is my typical workflow

  1. ssh into the box with port forwarding e.g
    ssh -i ~/.ssh/secret.pem -L 8890:localhost:8888 ubuntu@blah.com
  2. on remote box: start tmux sess
  3. within tmux sess, start notebook
  4. locally, open up browser to 8890

Afterwards, if you are disconnected (happens running after a 5 yr old :wink: more than you think!),
I have to remember to do (1) again — this is important to re-enable port forwarding again

Then, I get back my notebook (maybe have to refresh the browser). Since the actual notebook server never died on ec2, I get the notebook with any results/update while I was away


I have faced a somewhat similar situation.

I created a logger callback that saves training progress to CSV. I can then load the CSV even if the server shuts down. But if it doesn’t shut down, once you reconnect, you can just open a new cell, do logger.plot_metric and you will see the results of the training (even on older version of jupyter).

The code is nasty and I think I wrote it half asleep :slight_smile: Not sure if it works with vanilla fastai lib though but can be modified. Add to that periodically saving the model (or saving on best val results) and your work is never lost.

Also, strangely enough (and I know cause I run an older version on AWS and newer locally), newer version of Jupyter notebook seems to replay sent messages if they do not reach your notebook! Meaning your notebook will update if you have it open and you reconnect!

These are the versions that I seem to be running on my own box:

jupyter                   1.0.0            py36h9896ce5_0  
jupyter_client            5.1.0            py36h614e9ea_0  
jupyter_console           5.2.0            py36he59e554_1  
jupyter_contrib_core      0.3.3                    py36_0    conda-forge
jupyter_contrib_nbextensions 0.3.3                    py36_0    conda-forge
jupyter_core              4.4.0            py36h7c827e3_0  
jupyter_highlight_selected_word 0.1.0                    py36_0    conda-forge
jupyter_latex_envs                  py36_1    conda-forge
jupyter_nbextensions_configurator 0.2.8                    py36_0    conda-forge
jupyterlab                0.30.6           py36h2f9c1c0_0  
jupyterlab_launcher       0.6.0                    py36_0  

I think conda update --all should give you something similar.

For dropped ssh connections I use autossh to automatically reconnect.

Here is the code and sorry it is a bit rough! I quite dislike using it myself so probably should rewrite it :slight_smile:

On a related note, I also use a UPS as the area my server is located has power grid issues (like in many other places outside of cities, even in relatively affluent countries). I was surprised how easy it was to set up the UPS. Maybe at some point a post how to do deep learning when faced with infrastructure issues might be a good idea, if there is interest. :slight_smile:

class CsvLogger(Callback):
    def __init__(self, path, optim=None, mode='a'):
        self.path = path
        self.optim = optim
        if mode == 'a':
            self.df = pd.read_csv(path)
        elif mode == 'w':
            self.df = pd.DataFrame()
        self.rows = []

    def on_batch_end(self, batch_loss):

    def on_epoch_end(self, metrics):
        self.rows.append(self.get_row(metrics, 'epoch'))
        self.df = self.df.append(self.rows)
        self.rows = []

    def plot_lr(self):
        ax = self.df[self.df['type'] == 'batch'].reset_index()['lr'].plot()
        ax.set(xlabel='batch', ylabel='lr')

    def plot_metric(self, metric='trn_loss', callback_type='epoch'):
        ax = self.df[self.df['type'] == callback_type].reset_index()[metric].plot()
        ax.set(xlabel=callback_type, ylabel=metric)

    def get_row(self, metrics, row_for='batch'):
        if hasattr(self.optim, 'get_lr'):
            lr = (self.optim.get_lr())
            lr = self.optim.param_groups[0]['lr']
        row = {'type': row_for, 'lr': lr, 'trn_loss': metrics[0]}
        if len(metrics) > 1:
            row['val_loss'] = metrics[1]
            for i, m in enumerate(metrics[2:]):
                row[f'm{i}'] = m
        return row

Callback for saving the model:

class SaveBest(Callback):
    def __init__(self, model, path, save_on_train_loss=True):
        self.model = model
        self.path = path
        self.save_on_train_loss = save_on_train_loss
        self.best_val_loss = np.inf
        self.best_trn_loss = np.inf

    def on_epoch_end(self, metrics):
        if self.save_on_train_loss and self.best_trn_loss > metrics[0]:
            self.best_trn_loss = metrics[0]
        if len(metrics) > 1 and self.best_val_loss > metrics[1]:
            self.best_val_loss = metrics[1]

in case anyone using GCP like me.

You can use the Google Cloud SDK with gcloud compute ssh username@instance – -L 1000:localhost:8888
You can then type localhost:1000 on your local browser to access your notebook run in port 8888 in VM.

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I am facing a similar issue. Would love to see if anyone can point to a tutorial using paperspace and tmux. Been trying to ssh tunnel via paperspace and having a hardtime connecting the Jupyter Notebook on paperspace with tmux.