IPyExperiments: Getting the most out of your GPU RAM in jupyter notebook

Thank you for running the update, @balnazzar.

Yes, this is a known caveat, please see: https://github.com/stas00/ipyexperiments/blob/master/docs/cell_logger.md#peak-memory-monitor-thread-is-not-reliable. Please vote for pytorch implementing the needed support. https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/16266

It probably has to do with Tesla being a faster card than GTX, so the monitoring thread can’t keep up with it, due to python thread implementation limitations.

Currently pytorch-1.0.1 added a single counter, so perhaps I’ll just try to use it for celllogger, instead of the python monitor thread. But we can’t use it concurrently.

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Thanks! I’ll do what you suggest.

OK, I implemented locking and 0.1.16 has been released. Please let me know if the crashing still occurs (or any deadlocks).

Fixes negative peak memory reports too.

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Hi @stas

I have two question in this regard.

1-In the output of IPyExperimentsPytorch, CPU Ram refersto the whole system RAM or to the CPU Cache?

2- how can I get the CPU, RAM, GPU usage and Time taken for training per epoch in my log file? Ideally I would like to have a CSV log file like this :

I will let the code answer in the best way:

    def cpu_ram_total(self): return psutil.virtual_memory().total
    def cpu_ram_avail(self): return psutil.virtual_memory().available
    def cpu_ram_used(self):  return process.memory_info().rss

now you can look them up and see what they all mean.

2- how can I get the CPU, RAM, GPU usage and Time taken for training per epoch in my log file? Ideally I would like to have a CSV log file like this :

It’s already done by:


using PeakMemMetric callback I am getting this error:

I have imported callback as :
from fastai callbacks import *

use from fastai.callbacks.mem import PeakMemMetric

if you take a look into the __init__.pyof the callbacks folder you will see that mem is not imported by default.

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What @msandroid said. And I updated https://docs.fast.ai/callbacks.mem.html#PeakMemMetric to include that missing line. Thank you, @msandroid!

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thank you @msandroid and @stas

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Developer chat

A post was split to a new topic: PeakMemMetric

@stas thanks for this. the docs on Github are well-written.

exp1 = IPyExperimentsCPU() works fine.
I tried running exp2 = IPyExperimentsPytorch() and got this error.

OSError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\do_fastai\lib\site-packages\pynvml.py in _LoadNvmlLibrary()
    640                         # load nvml.dll from %ProgramFiles%/NVIDIA Corporation/NVSMI/nvml.dll
--> 641                         nvmlLib = CDLL(os.path.join(os.getenv("ProgramFiles", "C:/Program Files"), "NVIDIA Corporation/NVSMI/nvml.dll"))
    642                     else:

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\do_fastai\lib\ctypes\__init__.py in __init__(self, name, mode, handle, use_errno, use_last_error)
    363         if handle is None:
--> 364             self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)
    365         else:

OSError: [WinError 126] The specified module could not be found

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

NVMLError_LibraryNotFound                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-1253310f286d> in <module>
----> 1 exp2 = IPyExperimentsPytorch()

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\do_fastai\lib\site-packages\ipyexperiments\ipyexperiments.py in __init__(self, **kwargs)
    382         if self.__class__.__name__ == 'IPyExperimentsPytorch':
    383             logger.debug("Starting IPyExperimentsPytorch")
--> 384             self.backend_init()
    385             self.start()

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\do_fastai\lib\site-packages\ipyexperiments\ipyexperiments.py in backend_init(self)
    387     def backend_init(self):
--> 388         super().backend_init()
    390         print("\n*** Experiment started with the Pytorch backend")

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\do_fastai\lib\site-packages\ipyexperiments\ipyexperiments.py in backend_init(self)
    355         from ipyexperiments.utils.pynvml_gate import load_pynvml_env
--> 357         self.pynvml = load_pynvml_env()
    359     #def start(self):

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\do_fastai\lib\site-packages\ipyexperiments\utils\pynvml_gate.py in load_pynvml_env()
     15             raise Exception(f"{e}\npynvx is required; pip install pynvx")
---> 17     pynvml.nvmlInit()
     18     return pynvml

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\do_fastai\lib\site-packages\pynvml.py in nvmlInit()
    606 ## C function wrappers ##
    607 def nvmlInit():
--> 608     _LoadNvmlLibrary()
    610     #

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\do_fastai\lib\site-packages\pynvml.py in _LoadNvmlLibrary()
    644                         nvmlLib = CDLL("libnvidia-ml.so.1")
    645                 except OSError as ose:
--> 646                     _nvmlCheckReturn(NVML_ERROR_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND)
    647                 if (nvmlLib == None):
    648                     _nvmlCheckReturn(NVML_ERROR_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND)

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\do_fastai\lib\site-packages\pynvml.py in _nvmlCheckReturn(ret)
    308 def _nvmlCheckReturn(ret):
    309     if (ret != NVML_SUCCESS):
--> 310         raise NVMLError(ret)
    311     return ret

NVMLError_LibraryNotFound: NVML Shared Library Not Found

running it in a conda environment locally.
OS: Windows 10
Graphics: 1660 ti
Screenshot of nvidia-smi:

I am trying to figure out a solution myself, but in the meantime if anybody can help, it would be great!

ipyexperiments uses nvidia-ml-py3 for tracking memory usage on nvidia cards, and that’s what fails to load.

You need to debug nvidia-ml-py3 on its own. Once you get it working IPyExperimentsPytorch will work too.

For help please refer to https://github.com/nicolargo/nvidia-ml-py3 - my guess is that it can’t find the location of your nvml.dll library - I don’t know windows to tell you why, but by debugging that python module directly you will sort it out quickly.

Hint, you just need to get this working:

from pynvml import *

and manually find the location of that dll and see why it is not found at run time.

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Thanks. Yeah the nvml.dll location was the problem. I just copied it from C:\Windows\System32 to C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI.
(In case somebody doesn’t have the NVSMI folder, then create one)

Glad to hear you sorted it out, @spock.

I just copied it from C:\Windows\System32 to C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI .

Or alternatively If you’d like to contribute to the project submit a PR to https://github.com/nicolargo/nvidia-ml-py3 that adds C:\Windows\System32 to the search path.

I just checked, it’s already done (in March)!

And the one who did the commit is someone from fastai community too, I remember referring to his fastai repo yesterday. Also, you mentioned the PR too.
Also, I check the code diff in the commit and the error message above(from my system), it looks like I have the older code.


So, I was wondering why I had the old code, since I made this conda environment 2 days back. Turns out even though that PR was merged in March(that was the last commit to that repo!), that version hasn’t been pushed to pypi. Someone opened an issue for it, here’s the story:

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Yes, https://pypi.org/project/nvidia-ml-py3/ was last released in 2017.

I’d say, commenting and voting on that github issue may help precipitate a new release.

Meanwhile I will update ipyexperiments README to use:

pip install git+https://github.com/nicolargo/nvidia-ml-py3

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alright, will do.

I used

from ipyexperiments import IPyExperimentsPytorch
exp1 = IPyExperimentsPytorch(exp_enable=False, cl_compact=True)

and specifically

but doing del exp1 did not free memory?

Im using fastai2.

Please send a short reproducible example and then I will be able to debug your case. What you sent now only makes sense to you, as you know what else is going on (i.e. code, etc.)