Hi everyone,
My name is Ignacio and I’m based in Valencia, Spain.
Although I have a Pharmacy degree and an MBA, I’ve always been very close to computers. I started my ML journey about 7 years years ago and took my first fastai course in 2018.
I’m specialized in the area of time series. During the fastai course, I started a forum thread (Time series/ sequential data study group) and created an open-source time-series library based on Pytorch/ fastai called tsai which I’ve been maintaining/ growing since then. Both have been great learning experiences!
I now work as a consultant mainly focused on tasks that involve time series/ sequential data and deep learning.
I’m very grateful to the great fastai community for the impact it’s had on my career
Looking forward to meet you in the forums/ discourse.
Twitter: @ignaciooguiza
Linkedin link